Chapter 7

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I am completely afraid to open the door. Sweaty hands, heartbeats getting louder.

I walk towards the door. As I open it, I am like 'what ?' My eyes open wide.

"H-H-Harry?" I said, completely in shock.

"Hey, hi. Did I disturb you? Were you asleep? " he asked. What type of question is this?

"What else am I suppose to do at 3:00 a.m.? Huh!" I said.

"Right." He laughed. His laugh drives me insane.

"Wanna come in?" I asked.

"Of course " He smirked.

"By the way what are you doing here? That too in the middle of the night?" I asked.

"Oh. I just wanted to see you. You know that I am leaving tomorrow for London. For 3 weeks?" He asked with a worried expression.

"Yeah. I know." I told him.

"So, it was obvious that we will have to meet once more to exchange our good byes." He said, smiling. He took my hand, pushed me towards him. We were so close. This felt good. I mean to express it, was tough. It could only be felt. And now it was Our Moment. He kissed me again.

This feeling is completely breathtaking.

"That just felt good. Right" Harry said.

"Um... Uh..." I didn't know what to say. He lied down on my bed and I was standing still. Speechless.

"What's wrong with you? Don't take me wrong, I am just relaxing on your bed. I have no plans for something like that. If you know what I mean." He sniggered.

"I wasn't thinking about that, you dirty mind." I joined him.

"But you never know..." He was about to say something but I cut him off by saying, "I am not having a discussion on that topic." I told him and he laughed as always.

"All right, babe" He winked.






*Next morning*

Its 8:00 a.m. My alarm rings.

The moment I woke up I did not find Harry. But there was something left on my table. A note

Dear Crystal,
I had to leave as everybody else was unaware that I am here. But last night was something to be remembered. Though we were all clean but just to have you by my side was enough for me. I haven't met someone like you before. The way you were sleeping, just to see that was so relaxing. I am leaving today without even saying a proper bye but that's the rule for every love story. Isn't it ?

Take care babe.
Love, Harry.

I love him. I love him so freaking much. I don't know how I am gonna spend my next 3 weeks.


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