Once I get you up there.

44 1 1

       The ice in my drink has long melted. My crew are all scattered around the casino drinking their weight in alcohol and losing this month's paychecks at various machines and tables. But they aren't my concern. It's the red head with her arms all over our captain a few feet away that holds my attention. I've been waiting all night to see how this plays out. I know for a fact the captain's wife is set to land in the next hour. He mentioned it during the van ride to the hotel. If he's going to play with this one, he's going to make his move soon.

       He rises from his machine and holds his hand out to her. She of course takes his hand and the two make their way to the elevators.

     I give them about half an hour before I down my watery drink and head for the elevators.

455, 457, 459...501. Muffled voices can be heard from the room. I make my way back to my room two doors down.

       It's another 10 minutes before the sound of a door opening and slamming shut reaches my ears. Heavy foot steps make their way pass my door. I snatch the door open to my dark room and watch in satisfaction as she spins around in surprise.

       I grab the back of her head and the cloth in my other hand covers her mouth before she can even make a sound. She tries to fight me but it's useless. The second she takes a deep enough breath she passes out. I catch her under the arms and pull her back into my room. As satisfying as it would be to let her hit the floor, I don't need anyone hearing the sound.

     I have her halfway into my room when the sounds of the elevator opening around the corner echos in my ears.

      Damn you for being so heavy.

       I get her last foot into the room and close the door.

        The plastic crunches under my feet as I walk around her and turn on a lamp. Grabbing the ducktape on the dresser I get to work.

        The motions are familiar and a sense of giddiness overtakes me. I've been trying to vent my anger in new ways like meditation. But I guess it just didn't stick. It's only so many deep breathing techniques I could try before I gave in to the urge and picked this trip up. I'm actually quite proud of myself for waiting so long.

        I should have flown back when I didn't hear from him by the time I landed back in new york.

        She starts to wake up, mumbling something under her breath. I stand in the corner just out of her sight and wait. It doesn't take long for her to realize that something isn't right. She pulls on her taped hands then looks down at her feet and panic. She manages to roll over and her eyes finally land on me.

       "Look whatever this is, I'm not interested. Just let me go and we'll pretend like this never happened and I won't report you. I go on with my life and you keep your job," she says.

       Did she just threaten my job?

       I stare her down for a moment and I almost laugh at the look of relief that crosses her face when I nod. Slowly I make my way towards her before squatting down to meet her eyes.

     "Tell me something Rachel. Did you try to sleep with him when he came back?"

      The dumb bitch has the nerve to look confused.

      "What are you talking about? Let me go!" She demands. My fingers tangle in her fiery locks forcing her to stare into my eyes.

       "Oh don't be coy with me now. Bradly. Why didn't you give him the note I asked you nicely to pass along?"

        "He never came back. I told you this already," she says. I pull on her hair and she cries out. I pull the pocket knife from my pocket. The gold letters ' SIN CITY' catch the low lighting as I place it at her throat.

       "You know, I really don't like liars. I was going to make this as painless as possible and avoid causing you more suffering and me a new pair of shoes but you're really making it hard on me Rachel."

      "Please don't hurt me," she begs.

       Ah here come the water works. I prefer the screams but I guess beggars can't be choosers.

      I grab the roll of duck tape and rip off a piece big enough to place over her mouth.

      I give it a firm pat once it's in place and smile at her. Tears freely run down her eyes now. Her screams muffled behind the tape.

      "You tried to sabotage my future happiness. Because of you I'll have to comb through all of Las Vegas to find him. But no matter. I will find him despite what you did."

        She begins to squirm again when I rise to my feet and walk over to the bed. I slip the ice mallet from the ziplock bag. The familiar weight gives me a rush.

       I walk back over to her and stand above her. I wave the mallet in front of her face. I wish I could take a photo to remember that look forever. She's finally coming to the realization that this is it. She must atone for her sins. I turn the tv on. A few minutes of tinkering with it and the sweet melody flows through the room. I raise the volume as the first few words of the song resonate through out the room.

       Come fly with me...

       I smile down at her.

       "Let's get started. Now, I've always liked to start with the hands and work my way through the rest of the body. But I'm in a generous mood, I'll let you pick. Blink once for hands and twice for feet," I say. She begins to struggle and scream behind her taped mouth.

        They can never make up their mind.

        I shrug.

       "Fine. Hands it is."

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