Loving the Crew.

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        This all has to be a big misunderstanding. Poor Bradley...Blaine. Not Bradley. He probably thought I was someone looking to use him for his flight benefits. That's why he lied. He was protecting himself.

        "So Nora, what do you think? Pretty laid back crew we have for this layover. Usually I only get the best crew for turns. Maybe my luck is finally turning around, you know what I mean?" Jessica says as she grabs a mini bottle of water for a passenger needing to take a pill. I would have made them wait. I hate side requests while I'm trying to get everyone boarded. Luck was on their side today in the form of a pretty brown eyed flight attendant with brown curly hair.

         She comes back a moment later as the flow of boarding comes to a halt. I sit my smoothie on the galley counter. We watch as a man with more bags than allowed struggles to put his things away. I'd offer to go help but...that's not my job. And I honestly don't care enough.

         "How do these people manage to get past TSA and the Gate Agent with more than 3 carry on bags? Like, sir, check that shit like everybody else. There's no way he's going to need all of that during the duration of this flight," Jessica growls softly.

          "My thoughts exactly... So Jessica, you know anything about our pilots?" I ask. She stares at me for a second, her red painted lips smiling knowingly.

          "Well, besides the fact that the Captain is a pretty nice guy, sometimes he buys his crew food and drinks on layovers...and the FO is a nice enough guy. This'll be my first time working with him, I've only heard the galley gossip from other FAs," Jessica says, pushing a stray curl behind her ear.

           "What have you heard?" I probe. How have I been here this long and never heard anything about him? A familiar twinge strikes my gut, an internal and intuitive reaction to any situation that feels unusual or somehow suspicious.

           She opens her mouth to tell me more when a woman with a baby and a suitcase much too large to be in our cabin comes staggering towards the back...towards us. Oh great.

           The woman smiles at us in an apologetic way and I know before she even opens her mouth what she's going to say.

           "My bag won't fit," she says. Jessica throws me a quick glance before smiling at the woman.

           "No problem. I'll take it to the front and gate check it. Is Aruba your final destination? Any laptops, medications, or lithium batteries?" Jessica asks as she takes the rollerboard from the woman.

          "Yes Aruba is my final stop. And no, I don't have any of that in there." She pauses with another feigned smile, all but announcing that she's now ready to ask for something that she knows will be inconvenient or forbidden. " Is there no way to maybe put this in one of the lavatories? I really don't want to have to go to the carousel to get it, you know?"

           Just when I think people can't say anything more idiotic.

           Jessica smuggles a laugh with a dry cough. Yeah, I've had enough of this bullshit.

            We have to close on time or else we'll all be getting an email asking why we were late. I have far more important things to deal with than a stupid email.

             I take the handle of the rollerboard from Jessica and look at the woman.

           "Ma'am. This bag is too big for our overhead bins so we'll have to check it. You'll be able to pick it up at the carousel like everyone else. Due to emergency protocol and procedures we can't put your bag inside a lav and lock it off. Now, if you would please take your seat, we'll get you your tag momentarily," I say. The smile feels a little more genuine when her face contorts in silent rage.

           "Your company will be hearing about this in an email."

            "By all means. Do what you feel compelled to do but for now, please have a seat," I say calmly. The woman recognizes my aplomb as the cool but impenetrable manner of a customer service worker deftly brushing off rude customers with juuuust enough tact to avoid being fired, and realizes that she has no chance of winning this battle. She storms off, mumbling things under her breath that, if I weren't so against making that child motherless, I'd gut and throw her to the barracudas for.

             Thankfully the rest of boarding goes as smooth as to be expected. A few seat assignment confusions and water requests. By the time we reach cruising altitude and start preparing for service, the majority of the cabin is asleep. Thank the Powers that Be for little favors. I've envisioned at least 5 different ways I could slaughter the entire cabin before we reach Aruba.

             Beverage and snack service goes by fairly quickly. With the cabin satisfied for the time being, Jessica, Charles, and David all sit around in the back galley with me as I take another bite out of the sandwich I packed.

              "What do you guys know about the FO Blaine?" Jessica asks. I pause mid bite and look at her. She smirks at me. David chuckles.

              "I've worked with him a few times. If I were you ladies I'd steer clear of him. Nice guy but he's a bit of a sleeze. He's married...but we all know that never stops any of them," David says.

               Married? No. There's no way. He wouldn't do that to me.

              "Are you sure he's married? I didn't see a ring earlier when I shook his hand," I ask. Maybe he's mistaken.

              "Oh he's sure. He had it on when Jessica and I got to the gate. By the time you two got here he'd already taken it off," Charles says.

             "I see," I reply just as the phone rings. David answers.

            "Hello, David. What can I do for you?" David asks. There is a pregnant pause before he nods, replying back to the speaker.

             "No problem. I'll knock in like two minutes. Bye."

              David hangs up and sighs.

             "What? They hungry?" Charles asks.

            "No, they need a potty break," David says. He then looks at all of us.

              "I'll go," I volunteer. Jessica snickers next to me. I elbow her.

              David laughs. "Of course you do. Come on. Let's get this done so I can come back and eat my dinner. This pizza is calling my name."

                David keeps an eye on the cabin, blocking the path to the cockpit from any would be passengers feeling brave to try some bullshit.

                 I knock twice , the door opens, and I slip inside closing it behind me. The Captain looks back at me and smiles.

                "Hey, how's it going back there?"

             "Pretty good. Nothing out of the ordinary," I say. The Captain tinkers with a few dials before pushing back his seat and carefully standing up. I step to the side and allow him to pass by me to the door.

              Once he's out of the cockpit, I lock the door then turn to Blaine. His bright blue gaze stares me down. Amusement dances behind them. What the hell is so funny?

           I cross my arms.

          "We need to talk. Don't you think?" I eyed him icily as a look of recognition and anxiety crested over his features like a wave in a typhoon.  "So let's talk, Blaine."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2020 ⏰

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