its all sad

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One  would not know how it pains to be seated under the scorching sun until when the hot sun penetrates through the shirt causing discomfort and at the same time immense hurt,the hot sun drops directly on Nunnus naked skin causing discomfort and at the same time immensed joy that was because she would not have to be part of the discuss in the room,even if it pains and hurts her she would prefer to be there than the rants of aunties questioning her on when to marry,isn't marraige suppose to be sometime of time and Fate to put it right.....Nunnu was just 16 years old when her aunties began coming visiting with thier wage Scots shoes, heavy earrings,eyeliner dripping down the eye and lipstick,anytime she comes back from lessons the first introduction she would receive would be that of her aunties shoes since they would be arranged just outside the door before entrance into the main room,even when she enters interrupting their discussion they would all not keep quiet but would continue thier discussion on how to match make her with some one since there is no one willing to come and ask for her hand in marraige.the only one whom always would refer to it all as after amongst them would not be given notice of any meeting to avoid her coming to pour down words of the holy Book.
The two agreeing aunties were Goggo Ladi and Goggo Lami,how they were even born twins was something of fate because they have the same attitude and character,even thier voices sounds alike,no wonder that had the same placenta,you would inter change thier appearance if you dont look closely to notice the big mark on Goggo Lami's chin which she got at the early days if her life at self defence.eventhough most people who could identify them knows her to be the most aggressive,but truth of the matter remains tact that's they are both the same,got married to friends and stay together in the same street.
The only person that lives far was Nunnus mother it would cost them 700coins to go visit and the Akagons as they are they would only spend thier coins when thier is a trivial matter to be handled especially any issue that has to do with Nunnu,the only reason probable to think of as to why they disturb them was that they all gave birth to sons and not daughters.
Nunnus parents were the most down to earth,simple,lovely and most admired couple you would ever encounter,she being the only daughter amidst 3 sons has made her maturity to pop out at an earlier age in her life,she has even grown out size among all her age mates,her parents would always tell them to allow her get to her time of fate because destiny is everything a living human should wait for.
With time the two of them have agreed that her mother was right and it would be fair to allow her put her house in order.
Just close to Nunnus house was the house of Mazi Uchendu an igbo man whom have been residing there for quiet a number of years believing him to be one of the elders in the whole of boulevard courtyard,Mazi Uchendu has a daughter quiet the age of Nunnu by the name Amaka,Amaka also has a hausa name going by indo as her hausa friends calls her,she is one and the same person to many who dont know her.
Mazi Uchendu has been a strict disciplinarian when it come to disciplining his children especially the female child,he feels a girl child should have her purity and innocence tame from home or else she loses it,he would always draw attention of his children especially amaka but with whips and series of physical punishment for everyday coming.he flogs Amaka to an extent that everyone in school always asked her as to what happen,it has even got to a level where seeing Amaka with a face with no bruise was not normal.he would not even bother taken her to any chemist for treatment even after giving her bruises,the worst mistake you would ever do was to allow Mazi catch you talking with his daughter even if it were some stranger asking for a location,he would insult you with all sort of Grammer and further starts beating Amaka there before reaching home for the judgment,you are always a daughter of purity and no man should shread you mazi always tells her every morning before she goes to school.
Ever since his transportation business stops flourishing Mazi in quest for a new job would save all his time at the school gate waiting for Amaka and on days he was not there he would give the gateman 3coins for him to ensure that Amaka does not talk with any school boy,Amaka has grown in fears and never been optimistic for any hope for the future,she has lost it from the very first day her father starts using whip on her.mentally Amaka was not alright,she has been average in her results from school unlike her,her fathers expectation is for her to be a straight A student,anytime the average results come Mazis KoBOKo would do the needful on Amaka...
Not to talk of the punishment from Amakas mother,she would be ever ready to pour hot water on Amaka,opening her legs to insert red chili pepper in case she refuses to admit to whether any boy has touched her vagina,she has put up really bold eyes to watching how full Amakas little breast was growing fast,most times they would deny her dinner all in the name of trying to see if she would ask for food and once she did not ask the main assumption would be she visited some guy for long throat which would render her completely to another level of a young girl going through series of puberty changes Amaka has not experienced anything support from her parents the only thing she would ever observe would be the fact that they would be chasing her to know how pure she still is.Her only friend was Nunnu who has a different story from her friends entirely.
Maamaa Amaka hardly makes friends in the neighbourhood,she rarely even go for thier meetings because she feels they have an aim towards trying to convince her about her own daughter "my own daughter that I pushed and grit my teeth to bring to these world someone would just come from no where and give me guidelines to raising her" am not taking that,she would always say to anyone that tries to cross the border by visiting her in her house,
Raining seasons drops so hard on the whole land,mostly during such seasons school children who dont go out on tim e would end up in their parents house this is because they were not able to catch up with the school bus that is fit to pass through every puddle or roads covered by water,such seasons were one of Amakas favourite because she would have time to relate to her friends and even play with them,it was even during that season that she got to learn how to play Ludo games and card and gifts games from other school children,mostly her father dont make it to pick her or even wait for her to finish her classes to closing hours,Mazi uchendu has been more suspicious of his daughter for those times without any recourse,he doesnt beat her at thya time but he questions her extensively that she lies mostly to safe herself from the wrath of the whip..
School Result;Amakas first position.
Grays college first term examination result came out and Amaka happens to emerge as the third position in class,everyone was surprised at how she was able to fit into an unexpected success from an average position,most of her friends were still where they were before.
How can a young girl be so scared to present her success story to her family,first Amaka was scared because they have a new form teacher Mr Vandu who takes them English language and linguistic,and her intrusions were actually right..
Mazi and Madam Uchemdu were seated on the floor blowing back flames of thier old love,love never dies as they always tell themselves,Amakaa has entered the house already without them even noticing her presence at first,when Maamaa Amaka saw her she asked if she was with any of her friends, are you together with any of those stupid friends you carry about,I was having a feeling that you went to see some of your friends today, Maamaa said"not really ma,I'm late because of the rain due to the bad road we have,Amakaa said,would you shut up you sharp mouthed girl ,mamaaa replied angrily are you now the infrastructural minister of Boulevard,and fit to tell us our road condition.
Sir ,our result came out and I have the report sheet with me here,Amakaa said to her father looking straight to his eyes to notice if he has anything to say before examining the report sheet,he was tensed at first to get the sheet,he stretched his hand as Amakaa forwarded it to him to,he was reading it loud for his wife to hear,...his eyes centered first at the right end of the paper where it was written position/Grade.3rd out of 30 students.Welldone Amakaa for emerging the 3rd out of 30 you have done a great work,Mazi said,just as Amakaa was feeling okay deep down Mazi suprised her with greatest shock of her life,he stood up like a person going to his room,and he landed Amakaa a hot slap on her left chin,I would have to question mr Vandu your form teacher,with the kind of gestures he has done,offering you help obviously against the school rules and parental control,I would report him to the authorities he said,seat down my friend Mamaaa said to Amakaa who sat on the floor,waiting for her next slap,as Mazi began reading the full report sheet to the hearing of the three of them,
English B,maths C, general studies A,Ethics A...
OVERALL STUDENTS BEHAVIOUR:good in English ,needs to improve in maths and conduct,thanks.

As Mazi finished reading he has jumped into conclusion already of how he felt Mr Vandu has been of help since she scaled English with the best A,of all A's,I would follow you to school tomorrow.
The news has already reached school through which mechanism only God knows as the while students were discussing and making skits to annoy Amaakaa,she has learn to grow thick skin towards what she faces,sometimes her friends always tell her to report her parents,some even ask if really they were her parents or she was taken from the orphanage home,all questions were not really okay to be answered by her most times because she knows they were her true parents through one of her investigations on a tortured day that made her dig so well,this was how Mazi uchendu rendered Mr vandu jobless with his false allegations of tagging him as a "pedophile"everyone was shock that Mazi has no evidence but yet the school authorities took it to execution,this was because they never wanted the matter to escalate to the papers thereby affecting thier personality,so they cleared the coast,Mazi was always seen as 'friend of the papers.mostky he would read and read to an extent that he would interprete every word to igbo to his durleen wife and mother,sometimes he would prefer to drop a deposit if the next days paper to the vendors to help him get it incase it comes and he has no money on him.

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