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Oforo just park into Boulevard from where nobody knows,he is a tall dark guy with sharp masculinity that catches the eye,he was looking not too young and not too old just within his prime as a man,he should be around 26-27,nobody knows where he came from,and everyone questioned his landlord for letting him in without questioning,he happens to take possession of the boys quarter which was located just behind the main building,and also having a separate entrance from the main door.ever since he parked in he has renovated the boys quarter to his likeness,furnishing everywhere and painting the whole wall white,he looks neat but to the eye,Ofo has no wife nor any girlfriend with him for the moment,he would spend hours playing games alone leaving his premises to the front of the main building,it took him time before he even started greeting any one in the neigbourhood,he has a sharp smile he always gives only girls which was noticeable to all the boys in boulevard,onething was for sure he would loud his music out disturbing the whole street,he often plays circular music during the day time and RNB during the night,he listen at times to mixed collections,it prompted the elders at Boulevard to talk to his Landlord Mr Ado to caution him from infringing in thier rights,what Mr Ado would never do was forfeit his chance to getting any money,oforo has paid triple of his house rent for the year giving him excess right over all tenants.
On mondays he always dresses professional with all civility and walk out of the house,sometimes looking like a lawyer and other times like someone going to record some tape at the studio,he is always trying to confuse everyone from knowing his full identity and what he does,as at the time he came to Mr Ado he told him that he is a detective from the states and here on a mission so he cautioned him from telling anyone about it.he cooks for himself and do the dishes and laundry,mostly he cooks yam and makes noodles,his combination of food is the direct opposite of his personality,just as Mr Ado large premises is opposite Mr Aina everyone knows that Mr Aina and Mazi uchendu have been at loggerheads for quiet a long time,main reason being Mr Aina always sees mazi as being too strict and the other way was these conflict that made them go to court on a matter as to how to take down the same fence they shared and everyone now has his own giving a line for the passerby to the next street.thier conflicts has refused to get to thier children since mr aina never stops Nunnu from being friends with Amakaa,it was only Mazi that has vowed to kill Amakaa if he sees her with Nunnu,so Nunnu took caution and stay away to avoid his shenanigans.
Mr oforo never greets anyone around,he takes it upon himself as an idea of minding his business,it was all a way of trying to avoid the eye on him.eversince Maaamaa Amakaa started her akara and moimoi business,he has been her chief customer,he patronises her well that even when he does not have money he can eat akara for a whole week without paying and she would never complain,most times when she is not around he would meet Amakaa and buy from her.he has studied them psychologically and noticed how protective of Amakaa her mother was so he noted when to go visit,sounding he is becoming fond of Amakaa.
Most times when Amakaa would be going out to catch with the school bus she would see sneakily how girls of her age finds thier way out of his premises,for what she knows not,she has been observing it for quiet sometime until one day in school she decided to discuss it with her friend Nunnu whom they get to meet only in school.
Nunnu was seated on the detachable desk close to the wall,she crossed her legs in a position fit to make her comfortable as she was writing a short note in a 2A exercise book,they were actually waiting for the teacher to come in for thier general studies class...hello Amakaa said trying to seat close to her and prompt a conversation, Hi,Nunnu replied what's with the hello again I thought your father would kill you if he finds me and you talking,Nunnu replied ;yes he said that but you know I am not father and not responsible for his actions,look I still respect our friendship no matter how it shows even in the hiding;Amakaa said as she wants to cry...deep down Nunnu knows that she was only being dramatic because she loves her friend,common girl we good Nunnu said and they both laughed and get soaked in thier discussion,that reminds me do you know anything about our new Neighbour? As Amakaa was asking before she shuts up Nunnu replied oforo you mean,who does not know oforo not even Bohlevard his story has rampage the whole town,even from Ministerhill everyone talks about the neighbour who does not respect anyone,Nunnu said,,,and what else did you hear,Amaka asked nothing ooo just that I know he buys your mothers Akara everyday,they both laughed...but wait I have noticed something about him lately,Amaka said and what could that be,Nunnu asked ...I dont know why it just makes me uncomfortable each time I see a girl of my age coming out of his premises very early to avoid been seen,amaka said in distress,exactly I do see him but just that I never even gave it any consideration you just have to be careful so that your parents won't here this or else they would kill him,Nunnu said,as they were both laughing thier conversation was cut short by their class monitor Bruce who was standing in front of the classroom given out test scripts from his bag pack,he was standing there and calling names according to row so each of them return steadily to thier respective positions.
From that day Amakaa happens to put in more eyes in observing oforo and his small girls mission without worrying what it would cause her,..
Maamaa does not spare Amakaa with her I'll thoughts of her,if you get pregnant do not stay in my house,if any man touches you you would get pregnant,if any man looks at you you would get pregnant,loose your pride and self and be at the loosing end,maamaa said,Amakaa was looking at her mother trying to figure out why she could be so lame with the thoughts of her,maybe a soothsayer has ever told her that I would be a prostitute or the likes,that's the reason to me,but that's okay...

Amakaaa would wake up in the night time wondering why her parents treat her with so much strictness and disdain,I know I ln class I was told how pregnancy comes and the likes was my mother wrong with her thoughts,or my teacher? Amakaa for the long time has mixed feelings on who to believe at the sphere of situations,her heart beats and her focus seems distracted anytime anyone tries to meander with her feelings.
Maamaa was seated inside the compound on a mortar when a visitor came in ,she didnt want to go out as she was lazily seated so she made Amaka to go and check,its uncle oforo,you're welcome she hurried inside to tell maamaa let him come in,mr oforo enters the compound holding a big jar of foreign juice and wraps of chicken meat,to what do I owe this visit mamaaa asked,I checked up on you at your akara stand but you were not there,so when I asked the kiosk owner beside you he told me that you are not feeling too well so I decided to come check up on you,he said,thank you so much oforo and may God bless you,I appreciate so much.he sat for quiet sometime before heading how way out,I would send some homemade akara for you tomorrow in the morning...that evening a large dinner table was set for the family by Mazi uchendu's wife maamaa,the Mazi's are known for thier longer throat at any occasion obviously it would land them in trouble,Nnayi as she sometimes calls him,oforo has brought us goodies,he brought wraps of meat and juice,foreign juice for that matter,maamaa said,where is it he asked,look there she pointed straight to the table where the food was well served that day she used one of her best plate to entice the quality of the food inside it,that night was all about oforo and what he brought he has bought a part of the uchendus,especially mamaa.
Early Saturday morning she sends Amakaa to take some akara and millet pap to oforo,Amakaa was surprised at how her mother could send her on an errand to a mans place without any fear or thoughts of the man touching her,her strickiness has exempted oforo from the list of the men who could touch her daughter sadly enough..
Amakaa has been taking pap to oforo every Saturday and on the errand seeing different girls dressed like family girls in his household,everyone in the area was quiet shocked at how Amakaa visits oforo,how her parents allow her go without feeling any remorse or suspicion is a big question at Boulevard.
Something in her never settles with oforo she feels he has an aim for coming close to them but the fact that she was scared to speak to her mother alerts so much mental trauma in her,how can my mother be distant in thoughts and affection with me,I feel really angry at how nobody would understand my plight.anytime Amaka goes to see mr oforo she would notice the way he looks at her with so much affection and lust,at first she tries to ignore but with time she believes that Mr oforo was upto something,eventhough telling her mother alone would lead to punishment what if she relate to the mother what he does to her aside the looks,he is full of bad affection towards her and she would not tell her parents as she is afraid of the death sentence awaiting her.
He notices the uchendus love for materialism and he showers them with all things gifts and money,he has given Mamaaa the capital of 2000coins to flourish her akara business,he has repaired Mazi's car that was at the garage for quiet sometime and gave him money to start up something little,the storyline seems clear that oforo is upto something,but the uchendus being too strict have forgotten thier aim of having a girl child as to draw her closer to thier heart.

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