Chapter 1

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Blizzard sat in the medical cave, her tail wrapped neatly around her paws as she watched her little cousin Snowstorm flying after a butterfly. Big cats in this enchanted forest usually had wings, and powers. Blizzard glanced outside of the cave at the greenery, bored, with nothing to do. She glanced to her side and saw her twin sister Kailene, known as Kai for short, padding out of her room in the cave, her fluffy black fur illuminated in the light.

"Hey, Blizz." Kai smiled at her sister, her eyes sparkling in the morning sun, the silver markings on her black fur seemed like they're glowing.
Blizz smiled, her own pearl white fluffy fur seemed to glow in the light.

"Hi, Kai!" she purred happily.
Blizz glanced at the exit of the cave.

"Is it ok if you take my duty for today? I'll bring you something, like food..."

"Of course!" Kai bounced up at the mention of food, since she hadn't eaten today.

"I'm starving!" Kai mewed.
Her stomach rumbled quietly and she laughed, embarrassed. Blizz smiled and slowly headed into the forest.


Once Blizz had given her sister a fish, she headed out onto her usual path. Although she could fly, she found that walking is just as fascinating, because you can see the huge, green trees looming above. Blizz stopped suddenly as something sprinted in front of her in a dash of ash grey. The thing bumped into her, knocking her over. The thing stopped and she saw it was another leopard, glaring at her with cold blue eyes and long black horns and cloud grey feathered wings.

"Watch where you're going."
He growled.

Blizz smiled, even though she was slightly irritated, and stood up and shook her fluffy fur. She wiped dust off her big cloud white wings. The leopard stared at her coldly, not saying anything more. When Blizz glanced at him, he was smirking in amusement.
What's so funny?
Without another word, Blizz continued walking in silence, her fluffy white tail trailing after her, her mint green eyes sparkling in confusion.

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