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Lisa was practically dragging her feet towards her first class of the day.

With only two hours of sleep and a cup of iced latte flowing through her veins from the cafe she frequented in to keep her mind even half awake, she walked with a gloomy aura surrounding her.

She did her homeworks due today alright, but not knowing what to do after as her lost planner dictated all her schedules all throughout the month... She was highkey drowning in the sea full of deadlines.

She tried writing her week's plan down on a piece of paper Jisoo lend her, but being an accountancy major who have unending reports and homework for days, well, it's a tad bit too much for her mind to process and get ahold of.

The mourning should stop though. If it continues further, she would be a hopeless case of an accounting undergraduate.

Queue Suga's Interlude.

Oh what the hell, she'll just drop by the bookstore to grab a new one. She'll just ask her classmates about the deadlines.

Due to her spacing out, she didn't notice a man approaching her who wasn't looking as well, also preoccupied by his unwavering thoughts about the owner of the notebook that has his face all over it.

The boy and girl collided as if they were in a romantic movie.

Not quite, though.

This one was an absolute mess.

Well Taehyung did get splashes of coffee but it wasn't as bad as Lisa's.

Lisa's hands were dripping with coffee spills as she stumbled back and entering back into reality, her white hoodie had forming coffee stains that looked like the map of the Philippines.

"No, no, no," She muttered in disbelief, looking at her messy hoodie, dropping the now empty coffee cup.

Of all days she had to bump into someone, she had to wear white and have latte with her.

Of all days, it had to be this specific day when she was already pissed at the rising sun, giving her another day to mourn for her lost notebook.

She was at her weakest, stressed out from everything in general. Her eyes started to sting.

Lisa, you weak ass bitch. She thought to herself.

"I'm sorry," She heard a low voice say. She didn't want to look up because ya bitch is crying at such a small thing. She was being unreasonable and sensitive.

"It's okay." She said in her small, shaky voice, her head still looking down. She picked up the cup she had dropped and tried to pass the man who she bumped into but she felt a hand on her elbows, pulling her back.

"Miss, let me at least lend you some clothes. You're soaking and it's my fault." Taehyung offered gently at the lady who wasn't still looking up.

But finally, she did.

She did and she was probably the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

But beyond that, her eyes were filled with tears, concerning him dearly. He reached for cheeks to wipe the frustrations away but she was quick to deny the spontaenous skinship.

"I'm- I'm really fine! I'm sorry." She stuttered as she wiped her unending tears with the back of her hand. Taehyung pouted at the poor girl's gestures. He felt bad for her, and most of all for her hoodie. It looked brand new.

He knew he had to do something.

"I have some spare clothes here, wait," He flipped his backpack open, fishing out an extra shirt he knew he always had in case of emergencies—like this for a great example.

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