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       『"I just had a dream of me kissing you, is that  



Come on, you got this. Just one more page, just one mo- "Oh, who am I kidding? I literally have to write 5 whole paragraphs in a whole page! My hand hurts already!" Jaemin whisper-shouts as he turns around, facing his T.V, which was playing a commercial about dogs. *Sigh* "I wish I was you. You have it WAY easier than me..." He turns back around and starts banging his head on his desk lightly, trying not wake his parents up. He's way too tired to be doing a piece of paper that wastes his time, and that will probably be thrown away once graded. He'd rather be sleeping comfortably, with his stuffed animal hugged tightly. He brings his head up to look at his phone next to him. 2:30am. Great. He would only get 3 hours of sleep, hence him waking up at 5 in the morning, and eating breakfast. He sighs and decides to finish hell once and for all, just to be going back to it in a couple hours, but whatever.

5 am~

Beep! Beep!

"Sh-ut u-p!" He hits the snooze button and stays in his bed, rolling around, trying to get more sleep. "Honey! Come downstairs quickly! You don't want to be late" Jaemin quickly opens his eyes, and rolls out of bed, slaming his body against the hard, cold floor. He gets up, tripping, but being able to sustain himself. "Coming!"  He goes to get his baby blue colored towel hanging on the back of his door and strips his clothes off while going into the bathroom to take a quick shower. A few minutes later, he comes out his bathroom, with the same towel wrapped around his waist and a tiny white towel wrapped around his neck.

"Nan-BITCH PUT SOME DAMN CLOSE ON JESUS CHRIST!" Jisung, Jaemin's friend, covered his eyes. He had come to pick him up, well, his boyfriend had technically come to pick him up. Yes boyfriend. Zhong Chenle. The most dreamy, handsome guy anyone could fall for immediatly. Ok imma stop talking..

"PARK JISUNG WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE! And ok, I'll get changed! Just get out!" Jaemin, being the 'motherly' figure to Jisung, demands him to stop swearing, considering, he is 17.

Jisung quickly nods and slams the door. Jaemin sighs and shakes his head. He hears chuckles downstairs, but at this rate, he just wants to get hell over with quickly, so he goes to his closet and picks out basic ripped jeans and an oversized designer shirt. Yeah, he rich rich. Nah just kidding, Chenle got it for his birthday, yeah, Chenle's rich rich for real, real.

"Mom! I'm going to go to school now!" Jaemin goes to the front door and opens it, but gets stopped by his mom. "Sweetie, aren't you going to eat your breakfast?" "No. My friends are already outside and I don't want to make them wait." He smiles at his mom and goes up to her and kisses her cheek. "Don't worry mom. I'm on a diet either way. And at least I get to have lunch!" He runs his right hand through her hair and walks to the dining table, gets his backpack and leaves the house. He runs to Chenle's car and opens the back door and gets in. "Sorry if I'm late guys. My mom and I had a quick talk" Chenle looks at Jaemin through the rare-view mirror and eye smiles at him. "It's ok! Now let's go"  Chenle was quite mature for his age. He had just turned 18 recently, even though he basically became an 'adult', he had still acted mature for his age before 18. Jisung just kept nodding through out.

Chenle, Jisung, and Jaemin has just arrived at school. Chenle was pulling in the parking lot to park his car. They then got out and got greeted by their friends. "HIIIIIIIIIII!! I MISSED YOU MY BABIES!"  Haechan, the 'fullsun' of the bunch came running towards the three younger men, who were scared. "DON'T." Jisung put his hand in front of Haechan, stopping him from coming closer. He had a sort of angry expression on his face. Silence. This silence continued for like five minutes when Jisung decided to speak again. "I don't like hugs, hyung!" He whined.
"Ugh!" Chenle lifts his hand up to his chest, acting offended.
Jisung turns to the green haired boy and hugs him,   "Sorry baby! I only accept hugs from the most cute and handsome boy in the world. Which is you, babe"
Chenle giggles and hugs him back, "I know Jisung-sii! I was just kidding!"
Jisung smiles and rubs the older's head. Jaemin sighs, "Kids these days..."
"Alright you two! Break it up! We have to get to school now!" Donghyuck walks off, being followed by the three younglings.

"For the last time! Stop trying to touch my butt!" The brunette turns to look at the boy with the mullet. He giggles, "Sorry Jeno-ah. It's just soft!" Renjun smiles and continues to giggle. With that, he remembers what he had dreamed about two days ago. He starts to look nervous and questions if he should tell him or not.
He tapped Renjun's shoulder. The mullet-haired boy turns to him, with a 'hm'. "U-um.." The brunette was hesitant on telling him, but he knew it would be the best. "I-I, kissed you.." Jeno looks at Renjun in the eyes. He was scared of what he was going to say. "What? Speak louder dude, I can't hear you" Renjun puts his hand to his ear, wanting to hear the brunette better.
"Seriously dude, either speak CLEAR and LOUD, or don't tell me"
Jeno sighs and takes a deep breathe.


"I kissed you"

"Jeno! Helloooooo! Earth to Jeno! LEE


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