Chapter Twenty Nine

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"I vote monopoly." Bea stated firmly, crossing her arms over her chest. I just shook my head and held up the game Risk.

"We all know Risk is way more fun." I replied, placing a hand on my hip.

Tonight was one of our treasured game nights with just the three of us. Mom got off early and snow was falling so it looked like the perfect evening for board games and popcorn. Although the task of actually choosing a game proved to be a difficult one.

"Girls, we can play both." Mom finally said, trying to end our quarrel.

Our playful banter was brought to an end by her words. Of course it was all done in good fun. Bea and I both smiled, having got our own ways and darted to the dinning room table to see who could set up their game first.

It was a tradition that on family game nights we all wear our favourite pajamas. Mine were a set of fluffy pink pajamas with little penguins all over. They were honestly just an impulse buy, but I couldn't get over how cute and soft they were, so they're mine.

Bea was able to get to the table first and in a flash she cleared it and pulled out the monopoly board. Mom placed a giant bowl of popcorn and a bag of chocolates out on the table as we continued to help Bea with the set up.

"You're going down Mila." Bea challenged as she grabbed the dice to roll.

"Pretty cocky, eh? We'll just have to see about that." I retorted back with a smirk.

"You girls are so competitive." Mom sighed with a slight chuckle at the end of her words.

"I suppose we get it from our mother." Bea replied while moving the car ten spaces ahead.

Two hours into the game, the clock was near ten. It was down to Bea and I. We were both on our very last dollars and all of our properties had been sold. It was my turn to roll and this could quite possibly decide the entire game. I shook the dice in both my hands and rolled them out on the table. Eight. I counted eight squares and internally screamed when I realized where that would place me. The Boardwalk Property. And Bea owned.

"Yes! Domination!" Bea cheered, leaping up from her seat the moment she realized that she had won the game.

I leaned back in my chair with a frown, trying to accept the defeat that my little sister had just handed to me. I knew deep down, I wasn't really upset, but I was a bit of a sore loser. But so was Bea, so I knew I had to destroy her in risk.

"I hate to say I told you so." Bea taunted with a grin. "But um, I told you so." She stated confidently.

"That's enough Beatrice." Mom stated. "We both know how salty your sister gets and she needs a minute to pout." She said, joining in on the teasing.

"I see how you two are, but just watch out. I'l claim my victory once and for all." I exclaimed in a dramatic tone.

"Oh it's so on." Bea said, narrowing her eyes at me.

Something in my thrived on this. Just being with my family, there was no pressure when it was just the three of us. I wish I realized what I had in my family earlier. Sometimes we take what we have for granted. I took my wonderful sister and devoted and loving mother for granted.

I hoped I would always feel this close to my family. I knew when people get older, they grow apart. But I promised myself I would never let that happen. I knew what it was like to live part of my life without my father, it was so lonely. I didn't even want to imagine what it would feel like to live without anyone by my side.

"It's your move." Bea prompted, pulling my out of my sudden day dream. I shook my head and refocused my attention on the game.

"I'm fighting you for Alberta." I stated with a smirk. Bea and I always fought to own our home province.

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