10. Confronting the son

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It's been 2 days ever since the seige, David and Pearl was with Connie in Oslo, Norway. They found the son who's being guarded by 9 men. The group was in a hotel building.

Connie: "That's him, Austin, he raped me."

David: "Raped? Why didn't you tell us?"

Connie: "I was worried."

David: "David there's mothing to be worried about. Anyway, because of his age, he needs to live not die."

Connie: "To me he deserves justice. He deserves to die."

Pearl: "You can beat him, but not kill him."

David: "Do what Pearl says ok, it's bad for someone like Austin to die in his age."

They left the building and headed on the streets. Austin turns and looks at David and Connie with shock.

Austin: "Oh sh*t, oh sh*t! Kill them!"

The guards drew out knives however they all got shot by David with a glock 22 pistol.

Austin: "Sh*t!"

The boy flees and holds a radio and calls back up.

David: "We cannot let him get away!"

The trio followed him and they ran around the city, Austin shoots some civilians with the pistol he has.

Austin: "Look at the people here! They're dying because you're too occupied on me! To you they're not worth saving!"

David: "That brat!"

He closes in on Austin only for him to get shot on the palm.

David: "AH!"

He saw who shot him and he shoots one of the undercover IPC soldiers.

They then see Austin run into a mall. They finally corner him with the aid of the Norwegian police.

Norwegian police: "Hold it right there!"

Norwegian police 2: "Don't move!"

Connie closes in on Austin, who points the gun to himself.

Connie, David & Pearl: "NO!"


Austin falls to the ground dead, he shot himself to blame Norway.

Norwegian police: "Holy sh*t! The kid shot himself!"

David: "He's going to blame it on us! We gotta move!"

To be continued...
It's short here.

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