19. Speeches

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It's about 19:00 in London. The lights shown and the screens were playing in Piccadilly Circus. Then the screens turned off and Mitchel appeared on the screen. Everyone payed attention.

Mitchel: "People around the world. I am here to bring a message, you know us, we're saving the world. There were also rumours of us creating WMDs. Are we developing such a weapon? No we are not."

The audience exchanged oohs and they were interested.

Mitchel: "Because we've already developed it."

The audience gasped. In Paris and other cities, the same thing is happening.

Mitchel: "Now, the time of judgement day has come. You all had your chance, to save the world. Technology is a cancer. Your life is a lie. Your governments have infected your brains and placed in rules which aren't right. It's my job to clean up the mess. I will do the cleaning while you suffer our Wrath. The IPC fight without sorrow. We fight to remove any government or law. We live and die, a true warrior. In exactly 24 hours. You will all die. so in the last 24 hours, hold your families and loved ones close. The satellites will wipe away everything you love. You, cannot save yourselves. I am Cameron Mitchel. I am your god!"

The cities went into a frenzy as riots broke out, looting, suicides and free sex. The world's now in a state of chaos.

Male news reporter: "Just tonight. A man named Cameron Mitchel, has declared-

Female news reporter: "War amongst the globe, a bunch of mysterious satellites have been-

NASA space station worker: "Sighted, we're unable to remove them, if we do. We'll be killed. We believe that-

Male news reporter 2: "There is no hope, as the IPC has their timer set. Please enjoy the rest of your 24 hours on Earth. This is Peter Brians, signing off."


It's been 12 hours...

A rocket was at the Armistice base, Cody's sister Cassie was boarding it. It was launching in 10 minutes. Cody hugged his sister and wished her well.

Cody: (Japanese) "Good luck. I hope you return."

Cassie smiles.

Cassie: (Japanese) "I'll be fine."

Minotaur walked to David.

Minotaur: "Nasa has just announced the location of the IPC's base. It's in Alaska."

David: "Excellent. I need to give a speech to the world."


David and his team headed to an empty TV studio. Rodion got to the cameras and David stood in front of it. Then, it's live.

David: "People around the world. I'm not apart of the IPC. I'm part of the international army called Armistice. We're here to help. However, it didn't go too well. We need your strength and your bravery to defeat the IPC."

Steven back at the base recorded this and he's uploading it to the Homeworld gems.

David: "They think they have control. They're scaring you. We can stop this doomsday event by working together. Yes I understand some of you hate each other, but now's the time to cooperate. We cannot allow the rest of our lives to be short. We have to retaliate. So come on! Fight along side us! Save the future of humanity! Save your future dreams! Save the future for your children's children. Save the world! SAVE YOUR PEOPLE!!!"

To be continued...

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