12. A young helper.

33 2 6

A/N: This is where I'm as myself

It's night time and David and Pearl were in a hotel called the Grand Hyatt. They're in Jakarta, Indonesia, David was on the phone with the person he's meeting tomorrow.

David: "Ya, saya suda di hotel, tarima kasih, selamat malam."                                                                  (Yes, I'm already at the hotel, thank you, good night.)

Pearl: "I never knew you spoke Bahasa Indonesia."

David: "I learnt it in my spare time when I was a child. Anyway we're meeting the special person in a Starbucks cafe in Lippo mall."

Pearl: "Right, so, what do you want to do?"

David: "Maybe kiss you?"

He chuckled and Pearl pulls him to the bed.

David "OOF- You got me!"

Pearl: "Oh hush darling. It's just what I love doing to you."

David: "HAHAHA!"

They shared kiss attacks and slept.

The next day...

They woke up and took a cab to the mall they're heading to. They entered Starbucks and he checks his phone.

<(I'm wearing a leather jacket, headphones, white coca-cola shirt, black ripped jeans and boots.)

                                                                                                                                                                             (Ok, got it!)>

David looks around and spots a young boy about the age of 15 with black hair and the clothes he's wearing in the description.

David: "That's him? Wow, he's young."

The boy looks at the 2 men moving in.

Tristan: "Ah, you're here. I'm Tristan. You must be the Russian spetsnaz David Kaidanovsky."

David: "Yes, you act like a grown up."

Tristan: "Oh please, take a seat."

Pearl and David sit down at the table.

Tristan: "I was with my family a few days ago and I saw a factory with  its windows painted grey."

David: "That's them. Anyway who do you work for?"

Tristan: "Me? Oh I'm just alone."

David: "Hehe. Brave kid."

Tristan: "Oh please, anyway, I decided to get a good view through an open window, I looked inside and saw canisters with the number 6."

David: "Nova 6."

Pearl: "What's that?"

David: "A chemical agent made since WWII."

Tristan: "I see, anyway, who knows what their intentions are. Be-

Then some gunshots were heard inside the mall. Tristan turned and looked around.

Tristan: "Oh bloody hell!"

David: "Go, go!"

The group ran outside and Indonesian police arrived.

Indonesian police: "Stop di situ! Ini polisi!"                                                                                                        (Stop right there! This is the police!)

Tristan: "Kita bukan teroris! Mereka ada di dalam!"                                                                                      (We're not terrorists! They're inside!)

Indonesian police: "Oh maaf."                                                                                                                                      (Oh sorry.)

The trio got to a safer area and Tristan hands David a USB chip.

Tristan: "Take this, it leads to the location of the factory, go, save my country."

David: "Terima kasih."                                                                                                                                               (Thank you.)

Tristan: "Your welcome."

To be continued...

A/N: That's me making a cameo!

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