Chapter Three

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Addison woke the next evening. The hunger was there. But she also had another task to do. She needed to ensure her property remained hers.

She gave it some thought. She would need an attorney. She needed someone she could coerce. She needed someone with the knowhow for drafting the needed documents. Said papers would need to state that the Jaspers had left the country in their mourning for their lost child. The land deed would need to deed and turn over to someone else, but they would have to be 'family'.

Addison gave it a lot of though. As she dressed for the evening, she came up with the idea of a young niece of Aiden Jasper that could be the new deed bearer. Addison would appear years later to stake her claim as this niece. Of course, this was something she would have to do ensure she kept what was hers by right.

Satisfied with her plan, she looked herself over in the mirror. She dressed herself in one of her mother's more risqué gowns. It was a deep crimson. Addison chuckled. It was fitting. Her corset cinched up tight as she had no need to breathe, making for ample bosoms while her waist was trim and petite.

She went to Neeta's room, letting herself into her nanny's room. The old woman sat on her bed, and her spell book and chicken bones lay out before her.

Addison looked everything over. "Conjuring?" She asked in a plain tone. Neeta shook her head. "Divinatin'."  The elder woman said. Addison gave a nod. "Nothing looks too bright, does it?" She asked though she wasn't seeking a response. "I want a copy of your book. Everything. Every spell, enchantment, curse, hex, ward...everything." Addison then said in a demanding voice, yet her tone was soft.

"You be dressin' like a harlot Miss be goin' to da city?" Neeta then asked somewhat bold.

Addison looked to her and nodded. "Yes. I have to ensure this property remains in my hands, not just for now, but for the future. I'm also going to have drafted the necessary documents granting you your freedom. With hope and luck, there will be no problem there. When I free you, I trust that you will keep my secret...and I would suggest you travel to the North as far as you can go. I'll give you the funds needed. I hear Negroes are freer up Northern ways..." She rambled off, turning to exit the room.

She took the horse into the city of New Orleans. Addison stepped into a seedy looking tavern; all eyes fell on her. She offered a smile, just waiting for someone to offer her a drink. She didn't have to wait long. A young man approached her, inviting her to his table, wiping off his glasses in a nervous fashion. Addison gave an approving nod, taking a seat.

She sat and talked and drank with the young man, watching him fall further into a drunken stupor. She smiled to him as she gestured for him to follow, leading him outside, her mind playing over her exact moves from that point. She took him to a secluded spot to feed on him. She tried her best to be neat about it. She still needed a little work in that area. Addison was thankful that in the little clutch bag she had brought was a small dampened cloth to clean her lips and chin.

Night after night she sought out an attorney in the various pubs and taverns to no avail.

 She sat in the dim candle light with Neeta one evening, the old woman altering more dresses for Addison's new 'style'.

Addison broke the silence in the room. "I'm going to Baton Rouge. I think I'll have better luck there." She announced. The old woman just continued sewing and gave a nod.

Addison clicked her tongue in annoyance. Yes, Baton Rouge or maybe Gulf Port.

She had to get away from New Orleans for a bit. The deaths and mutilations were causing a bit of panic. She had to back off.

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