Chapter 1

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.....My First Story... O.o Hope ya'll like it...

The clouds were soft and light on my chin. I laid on my stomach peering down to the greens of the different world, Earth. Just sitting around to watch humans is out of the question in High world. High World is a place for angels.

Number one rule:

Do not fell in love with a human.

Number two rule:

Keep to the opposite gender. 'Females and males are meant to get together.'

Pfshh I hate that rule. Well to make everything clear I broke both rules. I’m becoming one of the fallen ones. I took a glance behind me. My wings were spread out; its feathers were white as snow and had outlines of sliver. When an angel becomes one of the fallen ones, their wings turn a dark shade of black and their eyes would turn a scary gold color. When I come out of the closet I’m not going to miss my white wings. I think it’s worth the lost… I have fallen in love with a human…the same gender as me.

Cole Sims, the dude I have been spying on for a few weeks now. What? Not like he could see me.

I sighed heavily as I looked back down to the one that stole my heart. He is something special; I had this bizarre feeling whenever I saw him. My heart felt complete. Angels usually have a mate and it’s for life. Maybe this human was mine. Something about him is calling to me. I want him. I need him. I never felt this way about a guy. He is different, I just know it.

“Bolt Lights, Is that you?” A high pitched voice squeaked from behind me.

I shivered, Missy, Who i can't believe is my Fiance. so called 'Fee on Say' like you don't say. I just don't like the word.. I shuffled the clouds a bit so the hole I was looking through vanished.

“Yeah what’s up?” I asked in a bored tone, not bothering to look up.

She is my mom’s choice, I didn’t have a say in the engagement crap. For some odd reason Angels had to get married at a young age. I am like 17 years old and have to put up with this chick. 

A cloud shifted next to me, I finally looked up to see Missy in a light blue almost white dress. She flopped down with a smile. She had on some bright blue lipstick on. I guess she wanted her lips to match with her light sea blue eyes. She failed; she looked so bad I choked on a laugh and covered it to sound like a cough.

“Oh nothing, I was looking for you…” She brushed my arms with her cold hands and leaned in to kiss my right cheek.

The kiss felt wrong. I pulled away and cleverly pretended to stretch as I sat up cross legged. She frowned at my actions and sat up across from me. Her frown turned right upside so quickly I was curious. I raised an eyebrow in question. What is this girl thinking? If I haven’t known her better I would say she lost it with these mood swings.

“What is with that smirk?” I asked, silently hoping mom didn’t set up another date.

She fluttered her long black lashes, “Our wedding is soon, silly.” She paused biting her lower lips. “Aren’t you excited?” She asked suspicious.

If I marry her, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself. She doesn’t even have my heart. What if Cole doesn’t like me? I’m screwed. I need to go down to earth, even if I’m risking everything. It’s worth a shot, it will be better than marrying Missy. 

I looked up to meet her eyes, they were wide in shock. She noticed something strange. I felt it too, my heart hurt and the weird tattoo all angels get on the lower part of the neck started to burn. I gritted my teeth together the change is happening. This pain was unbearable. My wings felt heavy and they fell behind me. My powers is draining. If I stay in this world I'm a goner. I scanned Missy’s upset face, crap she knows. Why did she have to know first?

“What did you do?” She whispered than covered her mouth and let out a small cry.

“Don’t tell me you fell for a human….” She said unsure, I gradually nodded once.“No, No, NO.” She violently shook her head and pointed a long, thin finger towards the small opening in the clouds. “How could you, Bolt, Those creatures are disgusting. How could you?” Missy whimpered covering her face in disbelief. Her long brown hair fell over shielding her hands and face. Her wings fell behind with sorrow. I didn’t trust my voice, I couldn’t say anything. My right hand shook as I extended it towards her shoulders. She slapped my hand away, as her head snapped up. I was glad she rejected me.

“Bolt---” –Missy

“its Brent…” I corrected her.

She shook her head with a sad smile. “You even made up a human name…” She whispered mostly to herself.

Bolt was just the name my mom had to give me so I could fit in. Brent is my name, that’s what my parents call me. She was staring at me. I felt bad for hurting her, but being here and not experiencing love is something I don’t want to regret.

“Missy…I’m sorry but I have to go talk to my family.” I stood up and stretched out my now light gray wings.

“Did you even love me?” She asked hopelessly as she stood up. I frowned, I had feelings for her once but as a friend, nothing more.

“I never had any interest...” I told her truthfully.

She sniffed away tears and nodded a few times trying to reassure herself. Looking down at her left fingers she yanked the engagement ring off and try to hand it to me. I shook my head and pushed it back towards her. She nodded once and flew away crying. I watched as she vanished into the city. I don't have much time before she goes and tells the counsels. I sighed and headed towards home. The city here is like another city down on earth. The only difference was that we didn't have cars since we fly obviously and we didn't have the use of electrically. The sun only goes down for an hour, We barely rest. Everyone here is always busy and always running around. Maybe when I go down to earth I would be free.

I slowly approached a small yellow painted house. My hands stopped near the golden door knob. I closed my eyes thinking about how I'm going to tell mom. I could hear her humming from inside the house. Dad is probably doing the usual guarding the gate business.

I am trained to be one of the guards, which I think is boring. Reopening my eyes I slowly opened the door. The smell of roasted chicken soup hit my nose. My stomach growled reminding me much I was hungry. I took my time walking to the kitchen. When the humming came close I looked up to see my mom. Her wings were folded inside, but still visible. For some reason every time I see her a light shines upon her making the atmosphere also angelic. Of course angels are supposed to be angelic, but not all... Missy isn't not one bit.

“ Brent why are you just standing there?” mom asked as she added seasonings in her huge black witch pot.

No witches don't exist, it's like a catch phase. It caught my attention, just saying. Her black hair was in a messy bun and she wore blue jeans and her favorite pink shirt. One thing in this world I would miss is My mom. I trust her. I hate that I will be forced to leave her.

“ Hey mom...” I tracked off, how do I start this conversation?

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