Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

             As she watched the three warriors follow Firestar into his den, Amberblaze felt Jayfeather’s penetrating gaze on her pelt.

He is in so much pain…but like all things, it will pass

Amberblaze crouched in the middle of the clearing, her paws tucked under her chest. She gazed around at the organized camp, with all of its sturdy warriors.

How I have longed to see the ThunderClan camp; it has been my dream since before I-

Remembering Jayfeather, Amberblaze quickly shook out her head before the memories leaked into her mind.

I must be careful about my thoughts. Her eyes narrowed in caution. I am not the only one with the power of sight.

Amberblaze knew that Jayfeather was sometimes able to relive other cats memories; a useful addition to his gift. She also knew that, although he couldn’t yet control it, he would be trying his hardest with her, and her secret was one she didn’t yet want to give up.

  Even without having to look, Amberblaze knew that Jayfeather had not moved his blind gaze from her pelt. His eyes were also narrowed, but his were in distrust and suspicion, as were the rest of the Clans’. A few moments later, Sandstorm, Graystripe, Lionblaze, and Firestar jumped down from Highledge. Firestar, who stayed, acknowledged the warriors still gathered in the meeting place.

   “Amberblaze will be kept in the rosebush in the hollow-”

         “But isn’t that where Sol was kept?” protested Mousefur boldly. The other cats murmured uneasily at the name. “That miserable excuse for a cat escaped from the same place! How do we know she won’t do the same?”

“If I may, Firestar?” asked Amberblaze.

    “Go on,” said Firestar, his eyes narrowing once again.

    Sitting up confidently, Amberblaze looked around and started to address the whole Clan.

I must word what I say very carefully, she thought.

            “I know you have doubts about me,” she began, “but I have no intent of going anywhere but here. Word travels, and I know how much Sol has hurt your Clan. Believe me, I know. However, I hope that, if allowed the chance, you may come to think of me as another warrior and fellow Clan mate.”

            Sitting down, Amberblaze met the effect of her words with silence. No cat stirred, every cat frozen with the knowledge that a stranger they have never heard of knew of the cat they all secretly feared the most.

    Firestar broke the icy silence with an “Ahem, well, now that we are all reassured, I need some warriors to keep watch on Amberblaze in the hollow while Bambleclaw and Brackenfur reinforce the rosebush with some brambles.”

  Recovering from their shock, the warriors and apprentices let out a gusty sigh.

            “I will, Firestar.” said Lionblaze.

           “Me too!” exclaimed Berrynose.

  “Actually, it may be best for Lionblaze to keep watch on Amberblaze.”

  “Okay, Firestar,” Berrynose grumbled. Every warrior knew that Lionblaze was by far the best fighter in all the Clans, and Berrynose was the most boisterous, and would probably put Amberblaze’s claims of peace to the test with his own terms.

    “Once you two are done with the reinforcements, please call Sandstorm and Graystripe to lead Amberblaze to the rose bush,” Firestar nodded to Brackenfur and Brambleclaw as the walked towards the bush. Looking up, he said “Would you mind keeping watch on her until sundown, Lionblaze?”

      Knowing that Firestar was asking him of this because it would put the other cats at rest, Lionblaze nodded and said, “No problem.”

            After a short while, the warriors chosen to escort her during the short walk across the hollow appeared, and took her to her newly fortified, makeshift den.

  “Lionblaze will be here until sundown, so it would be best not to try anything.” Mewed Sandstorm. “I doubt you would want a scar on that pretty pelt of yours.”

     “Thanks for the warning,” Replied Amberblaze, dipping her head respectively.

        The warriors left the den, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

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