Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

             Sitting in the midst of the thorny rosebush, half of its leaves still dead from the previous leafbare, Amberblaze drank in the sweet smell of her surroundings.

            The leaves of Amberblaze’s quarters quivered as a golden-furred tom pushed his way inside. He held a plump mouse in his jaws. Dropping it by his paws, he said,

“Here. The others didn’t want to give you any, so you’d best eat it quick.”

“Thank you, Lionblaze. You’re very kind.”

His tail twitched as he sensed her watching him.

“Hurry up. I can’t leave you alone with the freshkill. Some of the elders think you may do something with the bones.”

“Paranoid, are we?”

“You don’t seem surprised.”

            Amberblaze didn’t respond. She hesitated before she took the first bite. She took first a small bite, then a bigger one, until she had picked the bones clean.

“Are you done?” Asked Lionblaze.

“Yes; that was the best mouse I’ve eaten in a long time.”

Nodding, and feeling a little awkward, he said, “Yes, it’s been a long leafbare. Someone will come for you at sunfall to bring you to the dirtplace tunnel.”

            As he pushed the bone of the mouse out of the tunnel, Amberblaze interrupted him.


            Stopping, he turned around.


            Then, he was frozen, lost in the blueness of her eyes. He felt as if time had stopped, that the only thing he needed to do was stay and listen.  Lionblaze started as he was jarred out of his trance when Amberblaze spoke.

 “You don’t need to babysit me, Lionblaze. I’m sure there are better things for you to do than sit in front of a rosebush all day.”

            Shaken from his experience, Lionblaze just nodded as he backed out of the small den, ignoring the thorns on his pelt.

            How could a cat do that to him? He had no feeling for this stranger-he had just met her-and yet she had managed to stun him with one glance. Troubled and unsure of himself, he walked over to Jayfeather’s den. On the way, he stopped Brackenfur, asking him to guard her for a moment. Pushing his way through the lichen covering the entrance, he sat down, enjoying the coolness in the air.

            “Hold on, I’ll be just a moment!” Emerging from the back of the den, Jayfeather shook off some leaves from his pelt. “With leaf-fall coming soon, I want to make sure I have plenty of cat mint. We don’t need another outbreak of greencough.”

            When Lionblaze didn’t respond, Jayfeather finally seemed to realize what he came for.


“Yes. She-she did something to me. I can’t explain it, but… she isn’t your average cat, Jayfeather.”

“I know.”

“You saw her memories?”

“No. She made me see.”


“When she came, I saw. Of course, after I lost sight of her, I lost my sight.”

“Do you… do you think she knows?”

            When they were just kits, Jayfeather had learned there was a prophecy about them given to Firestar.

There will be three, kin of you kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws.

            Leafpool was Firestar’s daughter, and Lionblaze and Jayfeather were Leafpools kits. Hollyleaf had thought she had been part of the prophecy, but she hadn’t.

“I don’t know, Lionblaze. She wouldn’t let me look”

“Wouldn’t let you?”

“Yes, it’s certainly strange,” He murmured, almost to himself. “I’ll make sure to walk in her dreams tonight,


            It was a cold, dark night. Cloudtail guarded the entrance to the camp. Settling down, Jayfeather closed his eyes to walk in Amberblazes’ dreams.

            There was a blackness, and then there was light. A bright, dazzling light. After what seemed like moons, it faded, and there stood Amberblaze.

  “Funny how I would dream of you,” she said. “You think I would dream of more familiar things.” Her eyes narrowed in thought. “But then again, it was you I came for.”

   The blackness around them lightened, and they were standing in the middle of the camp.

“Follow.” She ordered.

Jayfeather, suspicious of her motives, walked after her slowly as she padded out of camp. They walked out to the lake, and Jayfeather stood as Amberblaze sat and folded her tail over her paws.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

“Didn’t you listen to me? For you. For your clan.”

“How do I know you’re not lying?”

Her eyes clouded for a moment, then cleared. “You’re the third in a litter of three. You and your littermates almost got killed by a fox in a little adventure. You know an ancient cat named Rock.” Amberblaze looked deeply into Jayfeathers eyes. “And you and your littermate are part of an ancient prophecy.”

Jayfeather tried to contain his shock.

“So, you know?”

“Of course I know!” she exclaimed. “Although, you are not my sole reason for coming here. I must admit that Clan life is one that I believe will suit me.” After a moment of silence, Amberblaze said, “I know this is a lot for you to take in. You should probably get some rest.”

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