Chapter 6: One Final Test

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Several Months have passed since the Elite Seven started undertaking assassination missions, having left the mountain they were raised on and were now currently active in the Empire's northern border.

Gozuki: "Thanks to Akame's and (Y/N)'s efforts, the Sabatini Company was exterminated. Your next target is the Viceroy of Le Land Castle who is secretly communicating with barbarians to the north. He's a big shot in the political scene. Use the knowledge you've gained so far to bring him down!"


Guy: "Hey Najasho, this is boring as hell. Why can't we just storm the castle at night?" Two groups were formed for this mission, the girls getting information from within while the boys got more outside information until they had a chance to kill their target at last.

Najasho: "Shut up, shrimp. It's not that simple. The castle is rigged with traps, since the Viceroy is doing something as dangerous as selling out the Empire." Guy let out a groan of annoyance before seeing Green in butler attire moving closer to them.

Guy: "That looks good on your, Green."

Green: "I'm fighting a battle to get my special coffee on the restaurant's house special menu. Though it seems to be a losing battle..." Looking behind them, (Y/N) was currently being hounded by many patrons, most being girls but some guys being there as well, and darted his eyes around from being unsure of what he should or could even do to get out of this situation.

Guy: "Well someone's certainly having fun."

Najasho: "Don't forget our original goal here, shrimp."

Green: "I know. First, we have to infiltrate the city and gather information, right?"

Guy: "I wanna do something too!"

Najasho: "You're only going to cause a scene so pipe down. Save it for when we're on the mission."

Guy: "But you're not doing anything either, Najasho."

Najasho: "That's what a manager does, and in exchange I hold all the responsibility." Still, Green couldn't help but wonder if the girls were doing alright on their side of the mission.


I could only lean against the wall of where we were meeting, being one of the last to arrive. How does anyone even deal with that many people, I wouldn't even begin to know. The others could only look at me worried as I let out deep breaths in a vain attempt to calm myself down before Guy was the one to step in front of me.

Guy: "Did you have fun out there, big shot?" I punched him in the stomach in retaliation to the job before cracking my neck.

(Y/N): "I'm not like you, you damned moron. How so many people can be interested in one person absolutely astounds me though..."

Cornelia: "Well, I'm sure there was at least someone you were interested in, right?"

(Y/N): "Nah, if I was someone like that I wouldn't be dedicated enough towards someone I'd truly care about romantically. But that's not what matters right now, and sadly I couldn't get any intel from any of them. Anyone else?"

Poney: "No intel, but I've gotten even better at filleting a fish!"

Green: "That's not something to boast about, especially when (Y/N) takes care of most of the cooking anyway."

Najasho: "All that's left is Akame... she's late again..."

Cornelia: "That's because she's in the stables, that's probably the hardest job."

Poney: "Not like we can do anything about it. She ate all the ingredients in the kitchen, they sent her over there-"

Akame: "It wasn't all of them, Poney! Just the meat." All of us turned to Akame, her resolute eyes aimed at both me and Najasho which immediately told us she got what we needed." They were doing a thorough check on the condition of the Viceroy's horse in the stable today. Apparently, he'll be going out hunting in the forest."

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