4: Deeper Meanings

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A/N: Btw, I did say in the description that in this AU Yuuei is a prestigious school for arts, so if you're wondering why they're all really musically talented...yeah


8:58 pm

So far, I was not enjoying myself.

All I had done for the past hour and a half was watch Kaminari talk to everyone about this and that, occasionally dropping into the conversation or being confronted by others. I did have a good chat with Mina (as always) and seeing Todoroki and Izuku together was adorable. As was Uraraka's kid.
Plus Iida's doing really well in his law firm for someone so young, as is Yaomomo with her modelling (despite the scandal with Jirou, who by the way is doing amazing as a music artist this young) and Aoyama with his growing design business.

Nice to see that they're all doing well. Wish I could say the same...

I was too anxious to leave Kaminari's side, but I hated that I was forced to follow him around like a puppy.


I'd promised myself that I wouldn't drink, since I'd been sober for nearly 6 months after quitting for better gym results. And for Kaminari. But tonight I just needed it.

Eventually I managed to wrench myself away from Kaminari's side and made my way towards the table of champagne and wine, but before I could reach it I realised who was still standing there.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

But it was too late. Katsuki had already seen me make my way to the table, so it would be far too obvious to turn around now. So I just kept my head lowered as I approached him and reached for a full glass.

He seemed to watch me curiously as he downed the last of his champagne, and I tried very hard not to meet his gaze. But to no prevail.

Our eyes locked once again, and I felt as if a thousand words were being said through those few seconds of eye contact. But I couldn't make out what those words were. It was all too...blurred.

Eventually he broke the staring contest first, turning around to grab a bottle and top up his glass.

I looked away into the crowd, sipping the bitter liquid but not moving from the table.

'So...' he said abruptly in his husky voice. '...you still doing that dance course at uni?'

'...Uh-huh...' I said carefully, not meeting his eyes.

'...and I can tell the weightlifting's still going strong.'

I could tell he was looking at me now, surveying me.
'...Uh-huh.' I repeated, clicking my tongue. 'And you...you should be halfway through that music recording course 'bout now, right?'

Now it was his turn to look away.
'Yeah I, uh,' he chuckled, shaking his head. 'I dropped out of that ages ago. Couldn't keep up or something. ...I just do a lot of busking now.'

'But...you're still painting right?'

He looked at me sadly then. 'Sure...sometimes.'

Once again I averted my gaze, for his eyes were just too strong for me to hold.

Denki's never made my heart go this fast...oh shut the fuck up, Ejirou...

But it seemed as though he had read my thoughts, for a second later Bakugo said: 'He called you Ei.'

It wasn't a question.
'...yeah..' I said.

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