5: Release

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A/N: Content warning - this chapter will contain references to and depictions of intimate sex, so [despite it not being graphic], you may want to scroll past the markers I've included if you would rather not read it (even though we all know you will ;)

Otherwise, enjoy the chapter

Also, credit to the artist for the adorable comic above.


Fuck off, Bakugo. No way in hell would Kaminar- Denki— DAMMIT.

I rubbed the back of my neck, breathing out sharply through my nose, as I leant against the wall opposite the drinks table. Luckily I couldn't see it - and Bakugo - for the crowd in the way.

I can't think about this right now, I thought to myself, sighing, and decided to just try and forget about it and, well, "enjoy" the rest of the evening.

I'd leave now if I could, but Kaminari drove us in his car, so I didn't exactly have a way of getting home - I was too anxious to get the train on my own and risk a panic attack in the crowd.

Calm down...just breathe....

Okay. I can do this. I can get through it.

I buttoned up my shirt to the collar, feeling slightly exposed without my blazer which was hanging up in a room off of the lobby, and put my thumbs in my pockets, lips pursed, before making my way carefully into the crowd.

I stopped next to Shoji near the back, his intense height and calm demeanour making me feel more safe in the hoard of people.

My eyes fell onto the stage, where Kaminari and Sero were very dramatically performing the karaoke version of 'Somebody That I Used To Know'. I could tell from their slightly slurred voices and the sloppy way they held onto each other that they were a bit drunk - not hammered, still in control of their senses (ish), but give it a couple more hours and I'd be the designated driver...

I watched them sing, not cheering like the rest of 1A, but observing happily nonetheless.

All I had to do was ignore the tangled web in my chest, the spider crawling up my spine, the fly buzzing about my brain.

Just— focus on him. Denki. And it will all be okay.

He had pulled his golden hair into a small tuft at the nape of his neck, his side bangs free, and the sleeves of his shirt were rolled up, the shoelaces of one of his black and white sneakers trailing on the floor whilst he danced about the stage.

The way his soft, mellow voice filled the room - despite it being slightly off-tune with intoxication - from the speakers, keeping up well with the backing track.

The way he closed his eyes as he smiled into the microphone, shaking his head from side to side.

The way he fell clumsily sideways as the song climaxed into Sero's arms, who leaned down to...kiss......him...

And suddenly the pair were connected on the stage as the backing track continued, and the fly in my head was buzzing louder than ever— wait. No.
This wasn't real.

Oh thank god.

This was a figment of my imagination.

They weren't kissing were they? They were of course still dancing and singing on the stage as friends do....except they weren't.

My face suddenly grew hot as my heart fell out of my chest and rolled across the floor to sit at the base of the stage, upon which Sero and Kaminari - my boyfriend Kaminari and one of my best friends Sero - were kissing.

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