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"Soulmates are people who are destined to fall in love. Some people have more than one soulmate. Some people don't have one. To know who your soulmate is, you have to go through a long and tiring process most people don't have the motivation to follow. 

A person who has a soulmate won't know until they turn 18 years old; when a streak of their hair will permanently turn into their soulmate's favourite colour/colours and their mind becomes connected to their soulmate's mind, in a way, 

Once you have turned 18 years old, whenever your soulmate listens to a song it will get stuck in your head for at least 20 minutes unless they listen to another song within that time frame, even if you've never heard the song before. 

Your soulmate can be anyone you know personally or don't. They could be your next-door neighbour, your boss or even your best friend! Or, they could be someone whom you've never met in your entire life, or you may have met gazes in the middle of a public space without thinking twice about it.

Sadly, most people don't find 'The One' as they don't put in the effort to search for them. Will you find yours?"

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