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I panted as I decided that I was done practising and stretched my arms above my head, breathing heavily. Although it was more than two weeks until the talent show, I was practising vigorously as I wanted the performance to be perfect. 

As I picked up my bag that contained my water bottle, phone and clean clothes, I hurried out of the dance hall and down the hallways, not noticing the boy walking in my direction. We slammed into each other, an - adorable - squeal echoing throughout the empty hallway.

In a panic as I saw him falling backwards, I wrapped my arms around his torso in an attempt to hold him up. And, it worked. His eyes slowly opened and we met gazes, his face quickly turning red. 

I stopped staring at his pretty eyes and spoke up, "Are you okay?" His eyes widened and he nodded, giving me the chance to pull him up. Our faces were weirdly close. And, for some strange reason, it made my heart beat faster.

"Good, I was worried I hurt you," I scratched the back of my neck as I shuffled back a tiny bit, "Kim Seungmin, right?" I remembered him from our photography class; the boy who radiates 'smol boyo energy' as Minho had said.

His face became even redder and he averted his gaze, not seeming to want to look me in the eyes. "T- thank you... A- and, yeah... that's me." I smiled as I stretched again, remembering that I'm sweaty and need to shower.

"Well," I began to walk away, "I have to go and shower. I'll... I'll see you around, yeah?" Once again, we made eye contact. At that very moment, I felt a euphoric feeling run throughout my whole body, leaving a strange tingling feeling in my heart. "Yeah..."

With that, I rushed away. I couldn't handle the way my heart was racing.

The next day, things got even weirder. 

"Hyung," Jeongin poked my side, "Is this real?" He handed me his phone which showed a perfectly clear picture of me and Seungmin, when I had caught him in the hallway and our faces were only inches apart.

I raised an eyebrow in confusion. Who took this? Why? "That's... real. But, there's nothing behind it. We bumped into each other and I stopped him from falling over." Jeongin nudged me with a cheeky smile, and I instantly knew that whatever he was about to say was going to be bad. 

"Everyone is saying you guys would be the power couple of the school," He raised his hands up as if to say this was really important, swaying them back and forth, "The campus soft boy and campus prince~ It sounds good, right?"

I chuckled. "Campus Prince?" 

He grinned. "Yeah! People are saying you would be the best together!" I rolled my eyes, knowing that wasn't true. Jeongin likes to make things more dramatic for effect. It's cute but sometimes he goes a little overboard. 

"Yeah, well. Unless he's my soulmate, then I won't be getting with him, Innie." He pouted before raising his eyebrows with surprise, then he smirked. Confused, I asked him what he was making faces for. 

He looked up at me, his eyes devious. "Then I'll just have to prove that Seungmin-hyung is your soulmate." With that, he skipped away and caught up to Chan. Despite feeling a little lost with my best friend's behaviour, I continued on with my day like normal.


"DATING? ME? HWANG HYUNJIN?" I exclaimed with shock, shaking Jeongin's shoulders. He nodded, telling me more about the rumours. From the corner of my bedroom, Felix laughed as he scrolled through stuff on my phone. But I knew better.

He was definitely laughing at me. 

"Oi! Psycho Twin 1, what are you laughing at?" I pouted at him as he continued to laugh, until he finally was able to breathe again and answered me. "I took those pics, Min. I know you've been crushing on him since before you even went to LA so I decided to stir the tea a little."

I groaned. I should have known. Suddenly Jeongin looked at me with a strange expression that I could only read as mischief, "Hyungie, what's your birthday?"

"22nd of September, why?" I answered, ruffling his hair as I calmed down from my mini-mental breakdown over Hyunjin. He shook his head, saying something about how he wanted to get me a present.

Little did we know...


"Just under 7 months..." I mumbled, writing stuff down in my notebook. "7 months to make sure I'm not wrong about Seungmin-hyung being Hyunjin-hyung's soulmate." I smiled, glad I was born into the Yang family. 

Why, you ask?

Why don't I search it up for you?

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The Eyes Of The Sarangui Saja is a family bloodline that can see the Red String of Fate. Families that this includes are the Yangs, Lees and Parks. The Red String of Fate is a string that is tied to the pinkies of two (or more) soulmates, which connects them by fate. Only the Eyes Of The Sarangui Saja can see the string which is why people who happen to be a part of these family bloodlines like to "play matchmaker" as one would say.

I've been seeing it for so long. Hyunjin-hyung's string connecting to someone I could never see until I met him, and then he went to LA. What made it weirder was that Hyung's mood changed when Seungmin-hyung was overseas and the string seemed to be stretching to its limits, like it was going to snap. 

But, thankfully, he's back now. 

And I was going to do everything I could to show them that they were connected by fate.

a/n; tee hee plOt tWiST

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