Young and pregnant

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The thought of becoming pregnant gives every woman joy and often marks the beginning of life-changing experiences but is not the case for single expectant mothers especially teenagers. For such, the very thought of it gives goose bumps and the consequence of shattered dreams, hopes and aspirations. As Susan and her mother await for Susans turn for the test, her temperature raised and her heart panted heavily. "What would a teenager do with a baby"?. Her mother thought but in Susans head, she thought of what her pregnancy could do to her family's surging condition. Mother and daughter couldn't help brood over the consequence Susans pregnancy could mete on them
As a teenager, Susan always wanted to be a singer, that feeling of ecstasy standing in front of an audience applauding to a meritorious performance with deluge of admirations from friends, families and foes. It would be so much of an achievement to anyone but Susan. For her, it would be dream come true.  This led her through a rough patch in her childhood days when her father left her mother with four little children to cater for. Susan was six when her father left with her mothers best friend. It was devastating for Susans mother, to bear the twin evil of betrayal and total abandon. She struggled through menial jobs to raise Susan and her siblings: two boys and a girl, and could only afford to see Susan through secondary school.
' As she turned seventeen, Susan felt a sudden rush in her, to become an adult and take responsibility for herself and helping her mother take care of her growing siblings who she didn't want to end up like her. Susan had gotten a job in a local supermarket and managed to work different shifts to earn something that could support her family. She was excited when she landed her first job prior to her seventeenth birthday without a thought of the possibility of becoming pregnant on the job.
It was 8.00 am in the morning when Susans mother first raised the alarm over the incessant nausea, breast soreness and fatigue experienced by Susan. She was still in bed, hence her mother went to check up on her. Her failure to live for work that morning could cost her the only job she had. It wasn't the job that really had her face tucked in her pillow while she lay in her tummy, it was the vomiting. She was experiencing nausea and incessant vomiting almost every morning. Lucky for her, her siblings had gone to school leaving her in the room they all shared. This occurrence was still oblivious to them. Her mother was distressed with growing concerns over her first daughter whom they have come to rely on to share the wholesome burden and given the experience she suggested a pregnancy test. Susan became red faced and tried to expunge the idea of being pregnant in such a precarious situation. They could barely pay their rent, feed and handle basic necessities and as such, any event of falling ill or becoming pregnant spelled doom. The proof was overwhelming and Susans mother without doubt concluded her daughter was pregnant. Susan Oh!. She screamed on top of her voice bemoaning. It was as if the whole world had come crashing on her suddenly. How on earth did Susan become pregnant? She thought out loud rolling on the carpet floor in Susans room. my daughter, who is responsible?. She screams at Susan who sat in confusion trembling in her voice. It was hard for her to say the words that refused to come out of her mouth amidst her mothers continued whining. She had brought up Susan in a Christian way, making her follow the tenets of the church. It was more surprising for her that Susan slept with a man than becoming pregnant.
         Am emergency meeting was called in church with Pastor Chad, as he is fondly called. It was the first time a girl in church would be getting pregnant and it needed to be tackled. All the pastors, elders and deacons including unit heads were in attendance. Brother Segun, the Music director was last to step in. A plump fellow with jerry coil hair and glossy shoes. He was a dinky fellow that loved to look his best at all times. "This is unacceptable brother Segun". Pastor Chad rebukes. He didn't like the idea of Brother Segun coming after him. Everyone should be seated before his arrival. Brother Arguing apologized and sits at the back. "No way". Pastor Chad stalls him. "This matter concerns you and you must be at the fore front". Brother Segun strolls lightly to the front and sits primly. "Jumoke is pregnant". Pastor Chad says. The meeting is slightly disrupted with bickering and side talks. "Our dear choir mistress, the one that brings down the clouds with her voice is pregnant". Pastor Chad repeats sarcastically. Brother Segun screams on second hearing jumping on and off his seat.

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