Lights On

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Susan wakes up to a deem light barely touching the floor. Behind the shadows a tall figure appears walking slowly towards her. She frets a while and regain calmness as the figure comes under the light. It was Femi. Susan was fixed at him thinking why she has to go through the same experience. She seemed to have made a path with misfortunes. The first time Femi was kidnapped and she was there and now someone she doesn't even know is kidnapped and she is there. She could not say anything but stayed mute in deep thought with slight feelings of discomfort.
Femi observes her but ignores. He takes his time to explain everything to Susan who kept mute in rapt attention. Her confusion deepened at the tale. She wondered how a woman can be so callous. Mrs. Bakare, she thought, is an evil woman. Femi agrees but he wouldn't want that evil to befall him refusing to let Susan go. "You are an eye witness and even if I let you go, she won't let you". Femi said with an expression of regret. Susan became tearful, begging him for the sake of the child she was carrying. Her uneasy movement became distressing to Femi. He unties her and places her on the floor.
Femi rushes out to get some assistance and Susan garners strength and made her way out of the room. She could not navigate her way easily. The building was old and dark with corridors intersecting. She is drawn to a low whimper crying for help. Her legs were getting weak. She manages to locate the room and sees Mr. Bakare tied to a chair with severe wounds on his head bleeding. She felt pity for him and untied him." Thank you my daughter". Mr. Bakare said, mustering some strength to lift off the chair. "Who are you"?. He asked
Susan refuses to answer almost falling to the ground. Mr. Bakare holds her from falling. " let's get out of here". Susan says under her breathe. Mr. Bakare lifts Susan and runs as fast as he could through the dark corridors until they break out into sunlight. The area was covered in bushes with no sight or sign of human presence within miles. He kept running. Femi had discovered Susan was missing but didn't raise the alarm until they discovered Mr. Bakare was gone as well. They chased after them into the bushes with weapons.
Susan was going into labour as she screamed along the way. Mr. Bakare became exhausted and had to drop her. She was in labour and screamed her lungs out. Mr. Bakare stood by her confused trying emphatically to hush her. Her cry had revealed their direction to Femi and his mercenaries were headed for the direction. Susan urges Mr. Bakare to go, she knew they would catch him if he continued to stay with her. Mr. Bakare felt the guilt of leaving a girl in labour. "How do I ever pay you for this help you have rendered"?. Susan raises her head slowly in pains. "Find my family and take care of them". She said groaning in pains. Mr. Bakare had no option but to pander to Susan's wish. He promised to take care of her family the best way possible and continued his way into the bushes.

The story continues.......
Download the sequel (21 & Dangerous) to know Susan's fate.

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