Party of five

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Susans choice of friends was as permitted by her mother who was stringent about the company she keeps. Susans co-worker at the supermarket, Gabby, as fondly called by her close friends was thought by her mother to be of a bad company. Just like Susan, Gabby intended to be a singer and as a step towards her dream, she performed karaoke at night clubs to customers. Gabbys friendship meant a lot to Susan because it reminded her of what she could someday become. Her idea of a good companion was Uyi, the university undergraduate that lived in an adjacent street to Susans. He was a cultured and highly respectful young man from a Christian home. He had come to like Susan very much visiting her often to the delight of Susans siblings who enjoyed his company as much as Susans mother. She hoped by his company, Susan could pick up on going to the university someday. It gave her a deluge of joy to see both of them rapt in discussions and jesting together. Uyi gradually became an integral part of Susans family and he was a patch to their thorn hearts. Behind the masked expression of unfeigned friendship was a sheep in wolf clothing and this was about to unfold.
It was a very cozy Sunday afternoon, a day that Susan doesn't go to work. Everyone in the neighborhood had returned from church, a Sunday ritual performed by Christians except for Uyi who on this particular day for reasons best known to him didn't go. The streets were scanty and shops were closed. Indoors and out of boredom, Susan decided to do some laundry while her siblings watched television. Her mother was yet to return from the women's meeting held in church after the close of service. David, Susans little brother runs to the back where Susan sat washing. Sister, brother Uyi is here. He said with a grin. Quickly Susan halted her washing trailing her little brother into the house to meet her visitor. Uyi, welcome. Susan says. Uyi sat in a stool watching a movie with Susans siblings who had occupied the only sofa in the room. Hey Susan, he says getting up to meet Susan. They both left for the back of the house where Susan did her laundry. You seem busy. Says Uyi.
Yes, I have to wash these clothes before mother gets back to avoid her ranting and rage. Susan says with a tinge of smile.
Too bad, I wanted us to go out. I have some friends coming over to pick me for a birthday party. I would have loved for you to accompany me. Said Uyi.
Ah, but I thought you didn't like parties, besides you are from a very decent home. Who would consent to it. Susan says sternly.
Come on Susan, you are not a child anymore, you know the drill. It is just a birthday party nothing more. Besides no one has to know. Uyi says.
How do you mean?. Susan says drizzling out water from a cloth to hang on the rope. Uyi leaned closer to her and whispered discretely in her ear. You can tell your siblings you are going to my house. We could be back before 6.00 pm if we leave now. He said. Susan was reluctant on going but the trust her mother had for Uyi quelled her resistance. She believed the party could not be harmful considering she was going with Uyi. Ok, but we must be back before 6.00 pm so mother would not become worried and decide to go look for me in your house. She said. Susan hurried through the clothes and got dressed to accompany Uyi to the birthday party.
The party was a rather quiet one in a sequestered neighborhood deep in an off campus hostel environment. It was a party of two boys. Susan became increasingly perturbed by the look of things, it was not the kind of party she envisaged, just a few boys drinking and singing out loud to the music that echoed into the quiet street. Uyi's entrance with his friends warranted them turning down the music while they jump in excitement to see him. guys this is Susan, my girlfriend. Uyi says introducing Susan who gave him a long stare. She wasn't exactly sure she was in any relationship with Uyi but she gave it a rest since she was in a strange environment. Susan, these are my course mates in school, Michael and Emeka, and of course Philip, you already know him haven driven us here. He said. Susan nodded politely to their greetings. She was nervous trying to discern what kind of party they were having. Oh boy, she is tight. One of Uyi's friends said loudly out of excitement fisted to a cup of wine. By that, he meant you are beautiful. Uyi said turning to Susan after hushing his friend who was clearly under the influence in a rather amusing way.
The music was back up just as Susan began to settle in with exchange of jokes by Uyi and his friends while she laughed to their humor drinking a bottle of coca cola chewing on chicken wings. The small room packed with five young adults was becoming fairly ventilated with the windows shut. The only source of air was the door. Susans eyes began to deem as she sat deep in the sofa while she watched the boys hop up and down the room dancing to the music. She fell asleep shortly afterwards giving up battle with dizziness. The door was now shut and the music turned up even higher while they placed Susan on the bed. The four of them argued over her on who should go first. After much bickering, they all agreed Uyi should go first haven brought her. Bit by bit he took off her clothes and then removed her underwear living a naked Susan lying helplessly on the bed. Uyi went in first tearing her hymen apart before others took their turn.
Susan woke up at the back seat of a moving vehicle at night fall feeling utterly strange with a slight pain in her lower abdomen. She looked in front and sees Uyi who turned round to see her awake. Hey Susan, time to wake, you are almost home. Uyi said with a joyful and flippant expression. Bothered by the feeling through her body, Susan wanted to know what had happened to her. What happened at the party? She asked tossing her head back and forth, she was evidently still sleepy. Nothing happened dear, you slept off, and that's all, probably too much fun. Uyi says taking stares from his friend on the wheel who looked at him callously. They dropped her off at her house to the delight of Susans mother who saw she had really gone out with Uyi. She feared Susan had gone out with Gabby to a club and couldn't believe the story Susans siblings had told her. She didn't take note of Susans staggering movements because of the dim nature of the lights that barely touched the ground. It took up to the next morning for Susan to realize what had happened to her. She seethed quietly with tears filling her eyes and stifled the tendency to cry out loud. She didn't want her mother running riot over her loosing her virginity to a gang of rapist and the more terrifying fact that it was lead by a trusted friend..

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