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"Bro take a break." Delirious sighed on the other side of the screen. "Yeah, you work too damn hard." Brian added. "I don't know guys, if I don't work now I won't have anything to perform at the show." I slouched in my chair. "A show that's an entire month away, might I add." Brock said. "Look, I'll play, but I have to get back to work sooner or later." I sat up.

"It's already two in the morning Evan, go to bed." Delirious advised. "Yeah, relieve some stress." Brock agreed. "I guess." I shrugged. I left the call and closed my laptop. I suppose my friends are right. I can't even correct my own actions with my damn sleep deprived brain. I laid in bed, my eyes slowly closing between seconds.

When I woke up, I saw Ohm on the ground. Confused, I crouched down and poked his face. He immediately sat up. "Ohm, what's going on?" I asked. He simply looked at the pocket watch he had on his belt and gasped. "What's wrong?" "I'm going to be late!" He replied. "Late? For what?" "An event! It's very important, come with me." He grabbed my wrist and started running towards a human sized rabbit hole.

"What the hell is happening?" I started getting a headache. "We're going home." "Home?" "Wonderland." "Wonderland?" He nodded. This is some dream I'm having. He dragged me into the rabbit hole. I yelped before looking down. We were falling pretty slowly to the bottom. Some furniture floated here and there, which was pretty damn weird. I looked at Ohm for some kind of stability, or even reassurance. He was drinking tea from one of the floating tea cups.

"Would you please explain?" "This journey is for you, Evan. You'll find the explanation yourself. I'll be your guide to Wonderland. First time visiting, I assume." "Is this going to be some wack adventure just for me to get my head chopped off and put on a golden platter?" I groaned. "Only if you make that a decision while you're here." He smirked. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. The rest of the way down was silent.

"Come along, we don't want to be late. The king will chop off our heads." Ohm cheered. "The king? Well, how much time do we have left?" "Five hours, should give us enough time to reach the castle." "Then why were you panicking?" "Well, you wouldn't want your head chopped off and put on a golden platter do you?" "Of course not." "Then don't complain, he hates it." "He?" "The king of hearts, obviously." "Who is he?" "You'll see when you meet the man. He's very excessive." "I don't doubt that."

We were then in a forest. The trees were a little misshapen and abstract. Some even resembled objects along with animals and people. It fascinated me. Two men came up to us, their eyes widened and smiling. I immediately recognized their faces. Ohm was looking off in the distance, also smiling. He showed me off to them like I was some prize or someone wanted.

Evan in Wonderland Where stories live. Discover now