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In the ball, I could see a young man being given a child. The baby looked a little bit like me when I was younger, and understandably so. The people giving him the baby looked a lot like my parents. "Vanti, this is your nephew, Evan." The young man held the baby and smiled. The next scene was much different however.

There was blood on Vanti's face. I could hear sirens go off in the background. The baby was escorted away from the house. His parents, though, where dead. Vanti grabbed a bag and ran away from the scene.

Years later, no one ruled. Everyone was too broken about the king and queens death to do anything. One day a bright young man took the king's place due to the relocation of the king's son and his missing brother. Vanti was still alive though, and decided he would take the throne as it was only fair. The plan he initiated years ago didn't go as planned so he called upon the Cheshire Cat to assist him. Brock was overruled by Vanti, and Luke lived in guilt for assisting a new era of slavery and terror to everyone.

The ball was clear afterwards. I was in control again. Jon looked at me, "I know you didn't quite understand the events, so let me elaborate. As soon as you were born, you were put as the next heir to the throne. Vanti, your uncle, wasn't too pleased with it as he was looking forward to being the next heir. He decided to kill your parents before killing you. However, before he could, the sheriffs arrived and took you far away from Wonderland. The people were so devastated they hadn't cared to find a new ruler. Vanti still had to stay hidden because of the sheriffs, so everyone was a little suspicious when he rose to the occasion to rule. But they were so desperate they didn't quite seem to notice. My brother lives to regret his decision as he believes he helped bring terror to the people of Wonderland." We sat there for a while.

I could overrule him to help everyone. I don't really know him, and this is still just a dream. I should do it though, they've been enslaved for 27 years. I need to save them. "How do we stop him." I asked. "Well, I'm not quite sure. I've been researching everything for the past couple of years and I haven't really found anything. We should go to the blue caterpillar, maybe he knows what to do."  "How do we get to him?" "Follow the flowers. But they're very easy to get lost in." "Then will you come with us? We need someone like you to help guide us." "Of course, I could never turn down an offer from the true heir. Also, I quite enjoy your company." We looked at each other awkwardly and in embarrassment.

I could feel my heart pound right out of my chest. We came out of the room and told everyone the plan. They were on board with it. Except for Nogla.

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