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Robyn Fox sat on the roof of his house and gazed upon the seemingly endless stretch of the land he grew up in. Aside from a few trees, all Robyn could see was plain barren lands that were once fertile. His father had told him stories of their land that was once filled with farmers, fertile soil and flourishing crops that fed most of the Cromagnon Empire. A land that was once praised for giving rise to farming and allowing humans to truly master the Earth, South Nation was said to be blessed by Mother Gea herself. Robyn could now only see a few starving farmers now, tired of the fields that yielded few crops. Even the animals were starving. How ironic. Robyn though. Created and destroyed by the Gods. Did the King know that by allowing people to learn Water Crafting, that it would bring a new God? Did he know South Nation was against this ruling? If he had listened to the protesters, would he have prevented the multiple civil wars that destroyed the nation? Robyn shook his head, his head flooding with questions. 

A familiar voice boomed asking for the people to gather around, breaking his line of thought. His eyes followed the sound to his Uncle Will. He watched the people gathering in front of a stage, below him. He keenly watched the crowd, his brown eyes shimmering under the hot, golden sun. He always liked a crowd. It fascinated him to hear people preaching ideas in clever ways that had the power to draw people from their homes or stop them in their tracks. And his uncle wielded such a power. It never failed to bring a smile to his fifteen year old face. Its almost time. He thought as he watched his uncle waving his hands beckoning people to come closer. He combed through the crowd carefully till his eyes met the eyes of his father who almost immediately gave him an ever slight nod. Robyn focused into the crowd, his eyes noting the people carrying items, especially anything that shimmers under the sunlight. As his mind paved the route he should take, he heard the crowd cheering and screaming - "Mother Gea". 

Despite being from the South Nation, where people lived and breathed religion, Robyn couldn't care less about it. His father had made sure of that ever since he found that Robyn was smarter than most his age. Don't waste that head of yours for Gods he had told him, and Robyn took the words to heart. He had instead used his brains to learn to farm while the rest left to protest and preach. He learnt about the different crops and when and how they grow. He mastered it by the age of thirteen and continued till the guards of the King came from Sapios. Sent to prevent another civil war from arising, the guards used their time to scout for farms and freely used the kings name to steal food. With their arrival, the South Nation went from a nation that supplied food to most of the Empire to a nation that could barely feed its own people. Robyn had seen the ruthless injustice done in the name of the King plenty of times to the point where he understood to stay away from the colours of the king and even more so to stop farming.  

"People of the South. Back in the days of the First King, there were no nations, no Gods, no dwellers and settlers, just Humans. The Wolves were our friend as was any Human that loved Earth." His uncle screamed with passion to the cheering crowd. Robyn got up and in one quick motion slid down to the ground and landed on his nimble feet. He saw a figure flash skillfully within the bobbing crowd. As quick and talented as his father was, Robyn knew he was better. As immediately as he was on the ground, he vanished into the crowd for the routine he was so familiar with. A quick scout of the crowd, slip in, weave about and come out with the pockets full of items that could buy enough food for the day and if lucky, maybe even the next. Religion was, in a way, how his family makes a living, stealing from the masses that came to listen to the preach.  While his father was busy focused on the next days meal, his uncle had plans and ideas of his own. Firmly rooted to the culture and history of the Humans, he had preached his way to the leader of the Rebels. "This ruling King Leo has made WILL separate Humans. We have started to learn a craft not given to us. A new craft and now a new god? What is next? A new leader for them? A new King that rivals our own? Humans survived the darkest of days united!" His uncles persuading voice reached his ears followed by a deafening cheer. 

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