Murdock Lescue

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   The Louisville Insane Asylum was no ordinary asylum. You see, insanity had not just fallen among the residents, they had been driven to it, by something sinister. That sinister thing was a man, a widower and a doctor, by the name of Murdock Lescue. Murdock Lescue was an odd man indeed, he had dark purple eyes that hid under his hooded brow, his face was disfigured from various self experiments, and no matter how big his maniac smile, his violet eyes remained empty. He was the kind of man that children shy away from, that mutters madly to himself as he walks down the street. He had no trouble walking through a mass of people, the crowd always repelled and made way. He never liked the company of people very much anyway, the shocked looks on every passerby's face were enough to tell him he wasn't welcome. His wife had been the only human ever capable of loving a creature such as him. But she was dead now, taken by an experiment gone wrong. His experiment. He could never forgive himself for what he had done to her. She had been the only thing keeping him on the edge of sane. He was now a man that wanted to create chaos and destruction on the earth, in the hopes that he might finally find a place in it. And so he stayed underneath the Louisville Insane Asylum, working on his big project: He was going to distribute a vaccine to the world, after further testing, that would infect the minds of the people, driving everyone insane, and then he would relish in the chaos of it all, and wait for the inevitable destruction to come. He was going to break the world that had so ruthlessly broken him.

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