-Chapter 11- Tests and Decisions

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Five movies later and most of the party had conked out. Eric had taken it upon himself to drink all of the alcohol available to him, which in turn caused the others to start drinking as a way to stop the idiot from getting alcohol poisoning or spewing all over the blankets. They all ended up a bit tipsy by the end of the night, but really, what was Mason to expect from a bunch of university students?

Now, however, Eric was asleep next to Maria, mouth open and drool pooling on the pillow beneath his head. Mason was glad the pillow wasn't his, Sophia was the one who would have to deal with it.

The rest of her friends were also asleep, sprawled out across the floor, couch, and each other. It isn't until Mason begins to wake up himself, hearing the low sound of someone talking that he realises not everyone is asleep.

His head is resting on something firm, but warm. His whole body cushioned in a sleepy heat that made Mason want to sink back into whatever blissful dream he'd been in only moments before. He hadn't had such a good night's sleep in forever.

Curling up a little tighter in his spot, Mason grumbles quietly as his brain refuses to switch back off, instead focusing on the soft vibrations near his head that feel awfully familiar to someone talking.

Frowning, Mason lets his eyes peel open, squinting at the bright light that wasn't usually in his bedroom due to his blackout curtains. 

Now that he thought about it, he didn't actually climb into his own bed last night. He'd stayed with all the others, unable to really object being cushioned under Max's arm and swaddled in a blanket.

"He didn't even sleep this well when he stayed in my bed." Sophia says, her soft voice wafting its way into Mason's awakening ears.

"Really? I knew he was feeling a little rough, but I didn't know it was that bad. Does he often get panic attacks?"

There's a hum of agreement, before Sophia speaks up again, "Do you want some breakfast? Amelia said she's going to cook."

Mason assumes Max answers her, but can't help but focus more on the fact that he's still half asleep tucked up against the man. His face resting squished upon his chest. He wanted to move, but should he? Would it be too obvious to suddenly wake up after Max and Sophia obviously discussed his mental state right in front of him? Not to mention Sophia telling Max about sleeping in her bed. How was Mason supposed to explain that?

Max shifts a little on the couch, causing Mason to take a deep breath, taking in the spicy yet oddly soothing smell from Max's clothing.

 Lifting his head, Mason blinks his eyes open again, this time more prepared for the onslaught of light. He uncurls from his spot, slowly managing to peel himself away from Max's side, and lean against the arm rest instead.

"Good morning." Max says.

Mason makes a noise crossed between a grunt and a groan, reaching up to wipe a hand down his face, the fogginess of sleep still clinging to his mind. He looks around, noticing Eric still passed out on the floor, but everyone else seemed to be missing, whether or not they'd gone home already, Mason didn't know.

"What time is it?" Mason yawns.

Max smiles, leaning back into the couch cushion, "Ten-thirty. Everyone was up and about by nine."

"Did they all go home? Already?" Mason shrugs the blanket back over his shoulder as it slips down.

Max nods in confirmation, stretching his arms up into the air, elbow popping, "Amelia and Todd are still here, and, well, Eric."

Both eyes turn to the passed-out man, Mason grimacing as Eric snorts in his sleep. You'd think the man would look just as perfect in his sleep as he did awake, but thankfully, he looked way worse than Mason expected.

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