-Chapter 16- Rice and Rasberries

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They'd finished one movie and half before the apartment door handle jiggled, and Sophia shoved through, Amelia not far behind.

Both girls looked solemn, Sophia more than her shorter friend. Her face was crestfallen, eyes a little red and her hair in disarray.

Frowning, Mason looks at Max, only to notice how close their noses off. He pulls away quickly, shifting to the edge of the couch as Sophia and Amelia peel off their coats and shoes.

"Hey, why are you guys home?"

Sophia snaps her head in his direction, a soft smile plastering itself onto her face, "Oh, hey. I didn't realise you'd have company."

Awkwardly Mason looks back at Max, whose arm was resting on the backrest of the couch, "Max came over to pick something up, but we decided to watch a movie. Do you guys want to join?"

"Sure!" Amelia pipes up.

She rubs a hand down Sophia's back before heading over to the couch to make herself comfortable next to Max.

"Does anyone want food? Amelia and I didn't get the chance to eat. Chinese?" Sophia asks.

Max and Amelia nod while Mason shrugs, settling stiffly back into his spot, partially under Max's arm.

Max taps him on the shoulder, mouthing the question 'are you okay?'. Mason smiles at him, grabbing the remote to press play.

Sophia was on the phone ordering the food, her soft voice carrying into the lounge.

It was mean to think, but Mason wished everyone would leave now that Sophia was home. She was obviously upset about something and as long as Max and Amelia were here, Sophia wouldn't share her problems.

If they left, Mason and Sophia could eat a tub of ice-cream curled up on one of their beds, sharing their woes and comforting each other.

Sighing softly to himself, Mason turns his attention back to the movie, planning to talk to his roommate later tonight, or maybe even tomorrow.

Once the second movie is nearing its end, the comedy landing everyone in stitches and tears, the door buzzer goes off.

"I'll get the food!" Sophia jumps from her seat on the floor, a bright smile on her lips.

Amelia gets up as well, heading into the kitchen to grab some extra bowls so that they could share the food. Sophia had ordered a buffet.

The smell of dumplings sifts through the air, the crispy chicken and sweet sauce making Mason's stomach grumble.

"I'll grab some forks." He says, standing from his spot.

He wanders into the kitchen, passing Amelia who grins, giddy at the prospect of food.

He knew Sophia didn't know how to use chopsticks, and he doubted Max had much experience with the wooden devices, so it was best to grab some other form of cutlery just in case.

He walks back towards the lounge four pairs of forks in hand, "Hey Amelia did you want a fork as well –"

Mason stops in his spot. The scent of cooked rice, soy sauce, chicken and vegetables catching his attention. His breath chokes in his throat, his gaze shifting through a scene of his past.

A scene where the scent of fried rice was the last thing he noticed before blood was seeping down his pants, muscles seizing as he was hit with waves after waves of pure agony. The fear. The gut-wrenching agony.

The forks clatter to the floor, Sophia jumping in her seat at the noise. Mason couldn't see her, his brain stuck in a loop as his hands shook, face draining of colour.

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