Chapter 1- Moving.

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*DING DONGGGGGGG* I heard as I was still semi-sleeping. "Urhhhhhhhhhhg mum get the door!", I complained as all I wanted to do right now was sleep in. "Amy it's Hayley, she's waiting on you, you're going to miss your train I told you this would happen!", my mum replied starting to worry. Oh god. I completely forgot today was the day I was moving to London, with my best friend might I add. I looked over the side of my bed to my bedside table and clicked the unlock button on my iPhone and it read 6:30. This is worse than waking up for school god damnit.

My mum had let Hayley in and before I knew it she was standing at the end of my bed giving me the fright of my life as I was in a day dream about how Jake text me last night.

Hey babe, i know your still mad at me but i knew it was today that you were leaving so i just wanted to say that im going to miss you, a lot and i love you, you know that, eh sweetheart? stay in touch... when your not mad at me that is xxx

The only reason I was day dreaming about it was because I thought of all the good times we had with each other, now I certainly don't love him, I don't hate him but I strongly dislike him, yes dislike. I was broke out of the day dream by Hayley snapping me out of it.

"Amy c'mon we're gonna be late, I am not missing this train just because you slept in, get up you muppet, get dressed we're leaving... like now."

Good thing I had packed all of my stuff the night before eh!? Hayley knew that too as I reminded her last night that she had nothing to worry about and I was completely organised. I got up and went into my en-suite and chucked my head over the bath leaving my hair dragging on the bottom of the bath, I didn't have time to shower completely so I just quickly washed my hair and put it in a damp messy bun as my hair dries quite quick. After all this I slipped my black leggings on, and threw on a white off the shoulder top, it was big and baggy so it looked ok. I put my burgundy Vans on, grabbed my suitcase, kissed my mother goodbye and left with Hayley. The time read 7:01 and our train was at 7:14... it normally takes 10 minutes to walk to the station from my house so we looked like the olympians speed walking until we readed the station at 7:08, a new record in fact. By surprise the train came a few minutes early so we boarded with our suitcases and got a seat with a table in the middle, Hayley and I loved these seats, always.

Hayley and I were just chatting away on the train just like always and I groaned when I seen I had 2 new messages. One from mum:

did u get on the train ok hun?

Letting out a sigh I replied:

yes mum ill text you when we get to london cause i probs wont get signal on the way down

Getting that out of the way, I looked to see my second message which read:

Heey, umm i know you want nothing to do with me but i really do miss you already, i havent even looked at another girl or even thought about one. i know youv only just gone but its true, i do miss you babe, text me back <3 xxxxxx

This one was from Jake. Oh great. I don't care if he has looked at other girls because I'm over him and I don't want anything else to do with him! I've moved on and that's what he should do too. I'm fed up with the same story everytime "Ohhhhhh Amy I've missed you babeeeeeyyyyyyy" I mimicked under my breath so nobody could hear me, I looked up and saw that Hayley had her earphones in so she didn't hear me.

Jake it's over ok, we've only been through this like a 100 times, just stop. go look at other girls, i dont care quite frankly, ive never stopped you looking at other girls before anyway have i? this convo is over, im sick to death with the same texts every hour, give it a rest x

Just one 'x' because I'm not mean. Haaaaa what am I kidding he's such a player. Clearing Jake from my mind I put my phone in my pocket and nudge Hayley as she removes her earphones from her ears and looks relieved that I am actually socialising now. We continue our previous conversation as we come to a holt because we have stopped in Nottingham. We look to see is boarding the train and our jaws both instantly drop as we both witness the most beautiful 4 boys we have ever seen. This is going to be an interesting train journey!

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