Chapter 1-Candy Bar

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-6th June 2019-

Amanda, Lim Ni, Janessa, Gracie were at VivoCity having a playdate

Gracie: Lim Ni! I wanttt pleaseee!

Gracie reached her hand out trying to steal the candy bar from Lim Nis hands

Lim Ni: No buy your own

Lim Ni jerked her hand back so as to prevent Gracie from snatching it away. Just then, Amanda came out from nowhere and took the candy bar while Lim Ni was distracted by Gracie

Lim Ni: Amanda WHAT

Amanda: Haha sucks to suckk

Amanda stuck her tongue out

Amanda: Hey Jan, catch!

Amanda threw the candy bar to Janessa. As the candy bar flew in mid-air, it suddenly made a complete ninety degree change in direction to Gracie.

Gracie: Woah!

Gracie caught the candy bar and everyone looked at her in shock. it just me or did the candy just...

Amanda: Uhh no we all saw that

Everyone was shocked, even Gracie herself

Lim Ni: Aiya it's just the wind lah

Amanda: Yea...sure

After some awkward silence, Gracie returned the candy bar to Lim Ni

Gracie: Na, take it

Lim Ni: What

Gracie: I wasn't actually planning to steal it and eat it.

Lim Ni: Ok

Janessa: Ok... That was weird

Amanda: Hey we're getting distracted

Lim Ni: Oh ya we were walking to Toys R Us


Amanda said, before abruptly making a dash towards Toys R Us

-A while later-

Gracie, Lim Ni and Janessa finally reach Toys R Us

Amanda: Yall are so slowww

Gracie: It's not our fault! You're the one that ditched us!

Lim Ni: Gracie don't take it so seriously! She was just joking around

Amanda: Ya Gracie! I didn't ditch yall, I wouldn't do that

Gracie: Whatever

Amanda: Don't "whatever" me! Hey! Apologise!

Gracie: No, you apologise! You're the one who ditched us!

Amanda: I didn't! Even Lim Ni said I didn't! Stop being so stubborn!

Janessa: Guys?

Gracie: Blah blah blah you're the one being stubborn

Lim Ni: Gracie stop being so annoying already!

Janessa: Umm,

Gracie: Wow so now you're teaming up on me

Then, tears started falling down Janessa's cheeks

Amanda: Gracie look what you did!

Lim Ni: Hey we don't have time for this now

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