Chapter 7-Blindness

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A/N: I don't rly know how to continue the story so aaaa I'll prob just go along with what my fingers type and fix it up later idk anyways enjoy I guess

-7th June 2019-

Janessa: AHH! I can't see!

Klaudia: Oh no, this is all my fault! I should've been more careful!

Tears started to well up in Klaudia's eyes, utterly guilty about how careless she was to put her friend in such a state.

Sarah: It was an accident! Don't blame yourself

Klaudia: Yes but it wouldn't have happened if I didn't use my power

As Sarah was trying her best to comfort Klaudia in the corner, the other three decided to tackle the main matter at hand

Amanda: There's no time to talk about that now. Janessa, is your hearing and sense of touch still fine?

Janessa: Y-yes...

Gracie: There probably aren't any side effects then

Lim Ni: What about your mind? Can you think straight? Do you feel dizzy or nauseous?

Janessa:  My mind is just fine. It's only my eyes

Sarah turned around to join the discussion

Sarah: While we were on the way, we almost got kidnapped, but-

Amanda: Wait, you two almost got kidnapped and you didn't tell us?!

Sarah: We didn't feel the need to. Anyways this isn't the time for that. As I was saying, we almost got kidnapped, but Klaudia was able to deter the kidnappers with her light

Gracie: Did the kidnappers get blinded? And was any damage done to you?

Sarah: Yes, both kidnappers became blind after Klaudia attacked them with her power. I on the other hand, didn't

Janessa: Will I be blind permanently...?

Sarah: We... We don't know...

Gracie: Jan, don't worry. We'll sort things out. Sarah, did the light have any effect on you at all?

Sarah: Yes. One of the kidnappers had slashed me on the neck with a pen knife. Klaudia's light healed it

Lim Ni: Completely? No scarring or mark that remained?

Sarah: Nope. It was like the wound wasn't there in the first place

Gracie: Amanda, you're kind of quiet. What do you think about this?

Amanda: Sarah, based on what you're saying, it technically means that Klaudia has some sort of... Healing power, right? If that's the case, then, this is just a hunch but, can Janessa's blindness be "healed"?

Sarah: I never thought about it that way! It's worth a shot!

Sarah turned to look at Klaudia, and gave her a "Well?" look. Klaudia understood what she meant and nodded. She got up, and walked over to the scared Janessa. Placing her hands a few inches away from Janessa's orange eyes, she formed some light. This light, seemed to be different than the usual type she did. It was... Soft. It was as if she were making glitter, rather than light. Everyone in the room stared in anticipation. After a few seconds, Janessa blinked a few times and...

The KOOL KIDZजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें