Chapter 2: Something is strange

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*Foxyminion and Bendy got to the 1st floor by taking the stairs then they look around and see the hotel is different then they know before*
Foxyminion: "Well....... this is different then we know huh Bendy?"
Bendy: "Yeah i get that"
Foxyminion: "We are going to find Luigi but i don't know where..."
Bendy: "Let's go back to the elevator and go to the 11th floor if we want"
Foxyminion: "Alright" *Before they go to the elevator Foxyminion see a audio log then he plays it and it's from Steward and Amadeus Wolfgeist*

*From the audio log*
Steward: "S-So let me g-get this st-strate..... when y-you get mad you'll u-use your piano t-to attack p-people?"
Amadeus Wolfgeist: "Yeah but most of the time i do that and most of the time i don't"
Steward: "O-Okay but have y-you heard a-about the girl's g-going on?"
Amadeus Wolfgeist: "Yeah.... i heard about it but why?"
Steward: "W-Well they we're a-acting weird like....... k-killer's"
Amadeus Wolfgeist: "Huh..... i don't know how the girl's act like this but i think we can get all the ghost around the hotel then try to be save by the girls"
Steward: "G-Good idea"
*The audio log stops playing*

*Foxyminion mind*: "Huh.... that's why i don't see the other ghost around here" *Until Foxyminion and Bendy got to the 11th floor then Foxyminion remember this floor*
Foxyminion: "I remember this floor"
Bendy: He looks at him* "You do?"
Foxyminion: "Yeah this is where i meet Nikki,Lindsey and Ginny"
Bendy: "Well at least you remember it"
Foxyminion: "I know right?"

*Meanwhile with the girl's*
*They watch him get up on the 11th floor and heard what Foxyminion said*
Nikki: "H-He remember u-us in that fl-floor?"
Lindsey: "I...... I guess s-so"
Ginny: "I'm s-surprise by th-that"
*Hellen looks at them* Hellen: "Well girl's i have a plan go and knockout Foxyminion and put Bendy in a painting with Luigi"
Nikki,Lindsey and Ginny: "Okay!" *They go and do it the Serpci talks to Hellen* Serpci: "Are you sure this well work?"
Hellen: "Don't worry Serpci Nikki,Lindsey and Ginny got a plan and it well work~😈"

*Foxyminion and Bendy walk around in the 11th floor but Foxyminion go left and Bendy go right then i see a another audio log from Nikki,Lindsey and Ginny then he play's it*

*From the audio log*
Nikki: "So.... all three of us love Foxyminion but we are yandere then...... how do we love him?"
Lindsey: "Well..... we can share him and we can tell the girls too"
Ginny: "Yeah that's a good idea Lindsey"
Lindsey: "Hehe~"
Nikki,Lindsey and Ginny: "We're caming for you Foxyminion~"
*The audio log stops then Foxyminion gets scared from the end of the recording*
Foxyminion: Oh god......
*Then Nikki knockout Foxyminion with her magic wand* Nikki: "Rast your head sweetie it's time for bed~" *Bendy was walking in a hallway then he opened the door then he see a room that is weird* Bendy: "The hell?!" *Lindsey and Ginny got Bendy then they got him into the painting with Luigi and they go back to the 15th floor and tell Hellen*
Nikki: "Alright Hellen we did it what you telled us"
*Hellen looks at them* Hellen: "Good job girl's and we'll get him some point of time"
*All 5 girl's giggle yandere then Chambrea ask Hellen*
Chambrea: "So.... um...... what now sis?"
Hellen: "Well Chamdrea.... we got Bendy and Luigi in the painting then....... we'll get Foxyminion but only way to do that..... we need him to get up here"
Chamdrea: "Okay"
DJ Phantasmagloria: "Actually um...... can we trap someone in the painting if he's with a girl?"
*Hellen looks at her*
Hellen: "No..... we well kill her but if she's made out of ink like Bendy.... then we'll trap her in a painting"
DJ Phantasmagloria: "Okay~"
Well...... that was Chapter 2 and i try to came up with something then maybe Chapter 3 i really want to think about this chapter with Deadly Decadence music

Yandere Girl's from Luigi's Mansion 3 x Foxyminion-(My OC) **Discounted**Where stories live. Discover now