Chapter 4: The nightmares begins Part 1

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Foxyminion: *He tired to wake up but he had a memory of him with Nikki,Lindsey and Ginny while he was knockout*

Foxyminion: *He looks at Nikki,Lindsey and Ginny* "So........ you girl's are magician?"
Nikki: "Yes we are"
Lindsey: "Are we going to show a magic trick?"
Foxyminion: *Thinks* "Sure"
Nikki,Lindsey and Ginny: "Hehe~..... Yay!"

*Then the memory stops*

*Foxyminion got up and he looks around and he's in Basement 2*
Foxyminion: "Geez i feel like i'm in a swears or something" *Then he found a audio log by Clem and he play's it*

*Audio log by Clem*

Clem: "Well..... sometimes i like the quiet but uh........ there's always problem with the pipes then again i am a mechanic and i know this is a hard job for me but i am getting use to it"

*Audio log stops*

Foxyminion: "Huh...? Okay" *He walks around in the Basement 2 then he see a rubber ducky* "Why is a rubber ducky here?" *He walks up to it and he runs up to him* "Oh god it's a Dread Duckys!" *He runs to the elevator but the Dread Ducky is chasing me and he's pressing the elevator button as fast he can then the doors open* Foxyminion: *He got in the elevator and he press the 8th floor button then the doors close quirky* "Geez....... that was close *Sigh* i guess i'm not going back down there again"

*Meanwhile with the girl's*

*They sew Foxyminion was chase by the Dread Ducky*
Serpci: "Why was there a Dread Ducky down there?"
Nikki: "I don't know but he is going to the 8th floor though"
Serpci: "Well...... i'll go there"
Lindsey: "Alright and try to find him"
Serpci: "Okay" *She's goes to the 8th floor*
Hellen: "I feel like this is a good plan girl's~"
DJ Phantasmagloria: "Yeah"
*Nikki,Lindsey and Ginny,Chambrea,Hellen Gravely & DJ Phantasmagloria yamdere giggle*

*Foxyminion get to the 8th floor and he looks around* Foxyminion: "Well i guess this floor is a movie studio floor" *He walk out the elevator doors and there's a audio log from Monty and he plays it*

*Audio log by Monty*

Monty: "Well being a movie detector is fun and also hard but for some reason um....... i left a film real in some of the set room but i hide it good because i want no one to look at it cause it's a working progress thing."

*Audio log stops*

Foxyminion: "I'm looking for a film real huh?..... well i hope no one is following me but don't worry Melody... i'm coming for you."

*6 & 1/2 hours later*

*Foxyminion find the film real and he'll hold it* Foxyminion: "Alright i find the film real...... what can i do with it?" *He hear someone coming* 'crap..... *He hide somewhere and he hears Serpci* hope she didn't see me'

Serpci: "Where are you Foxy.... i know your scared of me and the girls but we love you though" *She looks around the 8th floor*
Foxyminion: *He sneaks around Serpci and he got to the elevator* "Good thing i can turn myself invisible" *He press the 9th floor*

To be continue......
That is Chapter 4 part 1 and for Dark Deception music for the this chapter..... well..... it can be from the Stranger Sewers level

Yandere Girl's from Luigi's Mansion 3 x Foxyminion-(My OC) **Discounted**Where stories live. Discover now