Chapter 1 ~ The death of Six.

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"You're stalling."
"Am not stalling! Am just working myself up to it." I could hear the heavy pants coming down the coms.
"You always say that, and you're always stalling."
Four had been doing this most of his life and yet was still fearful every time.
"Darling, don't test me."
"Whatever monkey boy just be ready to go when Six gets his ass in gear." I heard the mumbles over the coms, he was mocking me.
"I swear to god four you're a pain in my ass."
"And I take pleasure in it every time sweetheart." I could practically feel the smirk he was probably radiating.

"Go for four." Suddenly Ones voice cut through the coms.
"We need you."
Go time.
I've been working with these guys for a while now but I was more on the surveillance side, I'd never actually met any of them apart from one obviously when he'd recruited me.
But ever since Four had joined we'd started this teasing or as the others called 'flirting' over coms.

The others mostly got annoyed by us but sometimes they called it adorable, teased how good we'd be together.
But even if I did want that it would never happen.
I was never going to meet them.
We sort of felt like a very dysfunctional family apart from I was the odd one out.
They'd all eat together once in a while and went to the airplane graveyard for meetings.
They sometimes all left their coms on so I could be involved in the conversation as well but I still felt like a huge hole in the team.

"Of course you need me, am here." Now bickering from the other ensured.
I just kept an eye on the cameras that I could pick up six on, the bright green car was definitely a statement.
There was too many cars for six to follow the plan and ended up speeding the wrong way.
"Shit." I heard Four exclaim.
"Am coming down."
"Good boy." I praised.
"Shut up, I was always going to do it." You could tell he'd started running as his speech was coming out in huffs.

I'd only seen what Four could do on some drone footage I'd took but every time it made me cringe but also it really impressed me.
He was amazing at climbing and parkour, I was just always incredibly worried that one day he would miss and fall. (Which was how he ended up here but am glad I didn't know that yet)

"Right over you." He said in a strained voice.
"Look for the flying monkey above you guys."
"Zero, that's not helping us." One said in a sing song voice.
Seen as I was kind of invisible they had decided that zero would be my number out of the six of us.
"Wrong way!"
I cringed at how loud he'd screamed into the coms.
"Come back I've got an idea."
"Well that's a first." I said typing into my computer trying to find the next CCTV camera that would capture the green car passing by.

"I swear to god zero if we ever meet."
"What Four, you'll buy me a drink? How sweet of you." I said chuckling to myself.
"No I'd run you into the ground you little shit."
"You'd have to catch me first monkey boy."
"Round the corner!." I could hear a car screech in the background.
"You two do remember that we're on a mission right?" Six said. "With you two flirting over coms, and these idiots fighting in the car. Am finding it very hard to concentrate on driving!."
"We're not flirting!" Me and Four both said together.
"That's it Six keep coming towards me."
I finally found the right camera just in time to see a car being impaled by about 5 metal tubes.

That followed by a lot of screaming from Six in the car and something about an eyeball.
"This is so stressful." I just huffed at Fours remark.
"You okay there Six?" I said.
"Sorry just asking." I got back to hacking into the next camera.
"You've got to loose that chopper." Four said.
"Already on it." Six informed.
"Three Six needs an Uber." One informed our hitman.
"Way ahead of you papi." Three laughed.

A chase and lots of gunfire ensued until Six found an appropriate place to kick the chopper off their heels but that didn't mean that the ground chase didn't stop.
Unfortunately I could no longer follow them inside the building.
So all I could do was sit back and listen to the arguing, tyres screeching and the spray of bullets hitting what I assumed was the car.

"We lost the chopper." One finally announced.
"Excellent now shake the rest off and get to Three safe." I finally hacked into a camera near the building and saw the green car speeding past with two more black vans chasing it.
"Am coming to ya." What was Four up to.
I heard an explosion and check the camera to see a car in flames and Four looking proud of himself standing on a wall.
"We have a super hero on the squad." Six said impressed.
"I wouldn't exactly call him a superhero." I snorted.
"Then what would you call me darling?" Four said calmly.
"A vein asshole that thinks too highly of himself?"
"Oow meow, really know how to knock a man down Zero." Four said feigning hurt.
"Guys can we cut the fighting until after the mission? We're nearly there." One said sounding tired.

"Yes boss." I said getting back to hacking my way through cameras.
"Guys coms on talk to me, what's happening. Y'all are being way to quiet." I said getting worried.
"Six is dead, were at the van." This time it was Two who spoke.
"What." I said in disbelief.
"We're turning coms off for a while Zero, good work today." One said before the line cut out.
I hadn't known Six for long but from the few times we'd spoken I knew he was a brilliant guy who was an amazingly skilled driver.

That's when it got real.

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