Chapter 4 😏

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Aliyah's POV

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Aliyah's POV

My bestfriend really brought me donuts!

I'm at a all time high today my first class is Mr. Sanchez and I don't want to be late.

Once the first bell rung I hug Shakayla one more time thanking her and then I headed to class.

Mr. Sanchez is my AP science class for this school year.

I'm looking forward to his class because I've heard a lot of good things from his previous students.

I enter his classroom about 2 minutes before the late bell rung giving me enough time to put my phone on silent and get settled.

Mr. Sanchez introduced himself after the announcements.

Apparently he seems like a wonderful family man with two jobs as well as a father to 3 kids.

15 minutes pasted and Mr. Sanchez has us debating on our favorite science fiction and mystery movies.

I know it's just the first day but I am really enjoying this class so far.

Then a loud ass knock came from the door.

Mr. Sanchez opened it and I wasn't shocked to see Jasmine, Jasmine Milton.

I wasn't shocked to see her since I heard her name called when the roll was being taken.

We use to be so close until about 7th grade, when a rumor got around saying she got a train ran on her.

The girl who started the rumor ended up blaming me and we fought at her house the next day since she lied on my name.

If you really think about it Jasmine was mad to the point where you wonder if it was the truth instead of just a rumor.

I didn't really sweat ya not being friends anymore because I mean it's not that deep.

The girl ended up telling Jasmine it was her but she ain't care she just wanted to try to ruin the rest of my life for the fun of it.

The only seat open was one on the row to the left of me.

Before she even puts her stuff down she already starts with her bs.

"Why I gotta be in here with this stank hoe" Jasmine said to her friend Maya who was sitting in front of her.

I never had I problem with Maya she just play follow the leader when it comes to Jasmine actions.

Maya laughs and says "right how Aliyah dumbass get in this class anyway".

I'm really not in the mood for no mess but I just had to say something back.

I said "Shut y'all bald musty tails up and if it's a problem whats up?"

Jasmine rolled her eyes and turned right around.

Then I said "that's what I thought, you know what you not even worth my time".

The girl turned back around and said "nah hoe I'm trying to fight".

The whole class said "oooo" and everybody attention was on us.

So you know what I did I stood up and so did her side kick Maya.

I'm thinking this ain't no fair fight but to be real they both light work.

During all of this Mr. Sanchez went to go to the restroom since we were behaving so well.

Jasmine gets things started and pushed me all weak I knew she was scary but my momma taught me don't let nobody punk you no matter how light the blow is.

I swing and pop Jasmine in her mouth and she pulls my hair and starts to swing but none of her hits connecting.

Maya comes and try's to punch me in the stomach.

I get out of Jasmine grip and slammed Maya head against the desk and she fell hard.

Then I go back to swinging on Jasmine punch after punch and then I dragged her onto the ground and start going wild.

Eventually Maya got up and is trying to pull me off of her but I'm not budging I keep hitting as hard as I could.

All the built up anger in me caught up and came out right then.

The School Resource Officer and Mr.Sanchez are pulling me off of that girl.

They walk me outside to ask what happened after I told them everything the officer walked me to the principals office.

On the way there I see Khalil in the hallway getting water and he runs over to me.

He asks me a hundred questions at once but mostly what happened.

I told him I just got into a fight with Jasmine and Maya.

That boy automatically says he wants round 2 with them cause they tried to jump me and still lost.

Then he asks the officer was it okay if he waits with me in the office because if my mom comes she most likely will take him home as well.

The officer says "that's fine anything to calm Aliyah down a little more"

Khalil runs to Mr. Sides and says he has a checkout then ran back to where we were standing.

My hands were a little bloody but I didn't care because I whooped they ass and that's all that mattered.

The principal suspended me for 3 days because I almost gave Maya a concussion when her head hit the desk and Jasmine when I just kept punching her.

Luckily this principal Johnson could relate to me in this situation because he use to get in fights at school as well.

He does inform me that the other two girls will get a 5 day suspension since they started the fight.

My mom called the school back and informed them that my auntie Pam was going to pick me and Khalil up since she can't leave work right now.

The only thing I don't like about my aunt is she always says me and Khalil got something going on it may be slightly true but still she doesn't have to bring it up every chance she gets.

My auntie texted me and told me get ready cause she is about 5 minutes away which me and Khalil did.

Once in the car my auntie asked if we were hungry after telling her yes she started to drive to Bojangles my favorite.

I explained the whole fight to her and she told me I shouldn't be fighting at school but she still knows I had to do what I had to do.

Me and Khalil both got chicken tenders and dirty rice but I got pink lemonade and he got sweet iced tea.

My auntie dropped us off at my house and told us she had to get back to work so we need to stay out of trouble for the rest of the day.

Once again excuse any mistakes ‼️
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Are Khalil and Aliyah going to stay out of trouble the rest of the day? 🤔

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