A Maze

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Well isn't that a pleasant sign to have on a mansion?

I sighed to myself as Dimitri comes up behind me.

"So this is the place huh looks like a maze from the outside" he whispered wearily of the environment and danger we have put ourselves in.

"Yes, it does. Let's hope it's not the same inside."  I replied back glancing over my shoulder at Dimitri.

We went up to the front door which was sealed tight.
So we did what every other intelligent human would do and kicked it down, the house was awfully silent and to make matters worse the inside was a maze.

"Great!" I yelled out sarcastically.
Like the idiot who made the house didn't think or even know how to make a house like yeah bud let's make a corn maze like Jason is gonna come out with cotton candy and give a two-year-old a hug!

I took a deep breath god knows I need It.

"So wanna split up or go together through the magic maze of bright and colorful unicorns?" I turned to Dimitri and he just laughed at my remark of the house.

"Let's go together, a little lady like you might get scared" he joked back as I rolled my eyes.

We went from room to room and found absolutely nothing. Except one particular door was shut and we heard a faint noise in that room but I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being followed.

We found a storage room with a couple of weapons and masks.

"Hey look a crowbar, maybe we could use it on that door we passed that was sealed tighter than my dad's prison cell!" He pulled a crowbar out of a box and skipped away somewhat happy of what he just said.

We went back to the room that was sealed tight and open the lock with the crowbar and what we saw might have scarred me for the rest of my life.

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