Akagi Jet White

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"What cruel joke is this," I yelled out furiously.

I fell to my knees with tears in my eyes. Who would do this?

I used my ability for the first time which I'd never use unless I was really mad.

I sensed that Dimitri used his as well so I took advantage of that and copied his ability.

"What's wrong?" He asked concerned

"M-my parents are here.. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE THEY DIED SOMEONE KILLED THEM!" I screamed out.

Just then I heard footsteps behind us I quickly grab Dimitri and hid and told him to stay silent which he obeyed. We still had our abilities on for obvious reasons it will help us fight since we didn't grab the weapons for the other room.

"Huh, I thought I heard people in here guess I'm hearing things." An unknown voice softly said.

It sounded like a female but why would a female send a message like that?

Plus she sounded really innocent almost like a child which sent shivers down my spine just thinking a little girl sent a message like that.

"What a poor girl, Akagi would be petrified if she saw her parents like this." The unknown woman said in a sadistic voice.

How did she know who I was but most importantly why did she have my parents here even though they're dead?

Unless she is the exact definition of Satan if he was an ugly woman that looks like a rat that is.

Soon enough we heard her walking towards where I a Dimitri was hiding.

"I know you're there," she said kicking boxes out of her way revealing where I and Dimitri were.

"My, my you have grown so much Akagi Jet White I am dearly sorry for what you have seen here in this room.
Trying to avenge your parent's death at such a young age must be hard." She said while lifting my head.

I rolled my eyes in response.

"What do you want from me old hag." I spat out.

She let go of my head as she walks away telling us to follow her which we did I needed answers to why my parents are her in a room with an old lady.

We entered a room and what I saw was like nothing else.

The Beginning Of The God From Hell (Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now