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Today they're going to the museum. Honestly Jungkook isn't interested in a stupid history building but Taehyung is so much into it.

"Look Kook, this is the China war history! This is the artifact and clothes they wore at that time!"

The statues was painfully realistic to look at and scary on top of that. "It's China war.." it's a goddamn China war museum in FuJian what are they supposed to do with this?!

Art is one but Jungkook isn't very keen on war history. Mostly because it revolves on war and history and basically that's text book!

"Gosh darn. I'm bad at Chinese and English." Taehyung groans. It's great that he can see the artifacts but he can't read the written paragraph that explains further details.

"It says that the Fujian people ran it Taiwan during the war." Jimin explains. And wow Jimin knows Chinese!

"I learn Chinese well because my grandmother taught me."

"That's so cool!!" Once again, Taehyung is all over Jimin and not him. The spark of fury will eventually burn if this keeps up.

"I can read English too." Jungkook doesn't want to lose "It says that 70% of the population moved there and that at the war there were many sacrifices. They were forced to wear Japanese clothings and this is the clothings."

"Wahhhh!" Taehyung's eyes widen in amazed "You're really smart!"

He has always been. Jungkook has always been smart in his studies. Well, except in Chinese. But he has the top scores in school for a reason.

"You can get to the best university!"

Jungkook smiles. He could but that would just mean that he'd spent more time in studying than hanging out with his childhood friends.

He would have less time to spend with Taehyung.

"I'm still thinking about that. I'm graduating soon too." Jungkook smiles sheepishly.

"We'll be supporting you for behind!"

No. There's no need for a support from behind, Taehyung can stay beside him and they can walk together towards the flower path.

Jimin noticed something was up. Back at the hotel he notices Jungkook was nervous, having a hard time sleeping and keeps checking his bag. He's a light sleeper unlike Tae so he knows.


While it's Taehyung's turn to take a shower, Jimin decides to approach the youngest.

"Jungkook." He calls to the boy that's in his phone.

"Yes hyung?"

The shower is loud enough and Taehyung doesn't peak any hearing. It's best to ask him now.

He had this assumption for a long time but he's not sure himself if he's correct in the first place.  It would be heck awkward if he's wrong.

"I like Taehyung." Jungkook speaks up first. "You're my best friend too so you should also be the one that knows this."

"Oh." So he's right on point. But that's just what he fear, he fears he's right.

The thing is that Jimin also likes Taehyung. He can't betray his friend like that. Jungkook will think he's a traitor if Jimin would say it later than now.

"Jungkook please don't be mad but-" He gathers all his breath. Jungkook has already expected this anyways. "But I like Taehyung too..!"

Jimin cares for Taehyung but that doesn't mean he sees Jungkook as less. He's just as important as the latter.

"Please don't be mad! But it's also my honest feeling."

Jungkook wasn't sure how to react. Well, he had a sharp feeling that Jimin would say this but he didn't hope for it to be true.

"It's ok.." Jungkook smiles. "It's ok whoever gets his heart." He thinks positively "But once one of us wins, promise that we won't abandon each other? Promise that no one will be left alone? We'll be together forever right?"

Oh. So Jimin finally understands what Jungkook fears the entire time. He's glad he finally admits everything, he's glad that Jungkook still loves him as a friend.

"I promise. For us I promise."

Their pinky locks with each other. A promise was made. A promise that none will be left alone.

The sound of water stops and Taehyung steps out of the bathroom. "It's your turn, Jungkook." He was left oblivious to the little chat they made.

"Why do you two look so happy?" Taehyung asks. The two boys still had a smile swipe on their lips. "It makes me happy too."

It was no wonder they can easily fall in love with an angel like this.

I can say much about this museum only because I've been there (also to check my ancestor history) (yes my grandfather is from the Fu family)

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