Interlude : Forever Mine

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His eyes are blank. He thinks of nothing in this situation than to see the window and it's curtain.

"Taehyung..? I'm here to visit." Was the man with a higher pitch than him.

It was Jimin. Jimin came here as always to accompany him in this shit hospital.

"Are feeling any better?"

Taehyung didn't nod nor shook his head but instead he asks "Where's Jungkook..?"

Jimin shook his head "He's recovering like you. You can't see him. The doctor doesn't recommend that"

Taehyung looks down, this is the same response as every week he asks. "I want Jungkook.."

Jimin grew worry by time. What in the world is in Taehyung's mind that he wanted to see him? He hope it's not trouble, something that won't put him in the same trauma.

"I'm here. Do you want me to sing you a song?"

Taehyung shook his head "Want Jungkook to sing a song.."

Something in his brain is damaged, or maybe cursed. Nothing but Jungkook will be there, not even Jimin that he used to love.

According to his doctor, that's what Taehyung has been dreaming of. Just Jungkook and only Jungkook, they're not sure how but he probably has a trauma that made him think like that.

Later that night, it was all revealed. Only that no one knew the truth.

"Taehyungie babe.."

Taehyung isn't crazy but he's getting there. The doctor forbids them to meet each other and yet here Jungkook had managed to snoop in without anyone noticing.

"How did you..?"

"I have my ways."

He doesn't want to ask for his ways. Every night he's getting mad and mad with Jungkook strapping the boy to a chair and hypnotizing him.

"You'll love me. You'll only love Jeon Jungkook."

Jungkook will never give up. He'll continue this every night until Taehyung is on his knees, begging to see his boyfriend.

And Jungkook will erase that bits of love for Jimin. Little by little, he'll belong to him. All to him and he'll never share what he has.

"I love you so much Tae." He whispers as he caress the boy's cheeks. Eyes blank.

"I.. love you too.. Jungkook."

And when they get out, they'll get married and live together forever and ever.


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