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"I heard everything."

Both were startled. They're now seeing Jungkook, returning from the outside world to them. Holding a sharp knife in one of his grip.

"Jimin.. you're a fucking liar.." Tears starts escaping, he didn't know what came over him.

Was he sad? Disappointed? Angry? It feels like a mix of all. "You promised me.. YOU PROMISED ME."

Nothing is right in his mind any longer. It was just confusion, tears and his body taking anger once and for all.

"Kookie.." Taehyung's body shudders to the appearance of the knife. He's holding Jimin tight in his chest, shaking.

"Who do you love between us..?" Jungkook hoped he heard wrong before. He needs to ask again, he probably heard it wrong.

"As our feelings intertwine in this cold room, I want you to answer me right here right now"

Jungkook demands his answer as he's holding a sharp blade on his hand.

Jimin holds to Taehyung so dearly. "Jungkook, let go of that knife." He was also sweating, he also feared the blade.

"Taehyung. Who do you l ove?"

He's scared. Extremely scared of knifes. "P-P-Please Jungkook— the kn-knife..!" It's worst when he's traumatized enough by the appearance of it.

"ANSWER ME" He demands. He grips the knife harder with no intention of letting go.

"LET GO OF THE KNIFE!" Taehyung shouts, panting afterwards.

"..." Jungkook isn't planning on letting it go and neither was Taehyung planning on answering.

"Please.." Taehyung starts to sob "If you really love me.. let go of the kn-knife.."

Jungkook let's go of it. Just for a while he sets it to the floor. "Now answer me." His eyes lifeless, more than before.

"Ok." Taehyung can breath properly now. "I love you Jungkook.. but I also love Jimin.. it's just that the love I have for the two of you is different.. I hope you can understand."


Jungkook can't understand.

"Y-You mean.. I— lost...?" Reality starts to hit him "I'll be alone.. you'll abandon me..?"

"Jungkook." Jimin speaks "Don't misunderstand— we don't abandon you-"

"LIES" The knife was picked up again. To Jungkook everyone in this room is lying, that's what he has to take matter into his own hands!

He can't be alone.

He needs someone with him!

So the knife was gripped back to his hands and pointed out to his victim. In a fast, strong stab he aims for the heart.

Jimin's eyes sees things fast, he manages to dodge it.

But that's where he was wrong

No. The knife was never for Jimin.

It was for his beloved Taehyung

Taehyung could dodge this. He can make this out and the blade would never touch his skin.

But instead, he lets it push in him.

"J-Jungkook.." Taehyung is coughing blood with a bloody chest "I love you.. I promise to be with you.. we promise to be together."

"Huh..?" Finally he was able to snap out of it. "W-What..?" He releases every grip he had, every strength he possesses now destroyed to reality.

"JUNGKOOK!" Jimin pushes the man over as he easily falls to the floor. "What have you done?!!!"

Jungkook is wrong. He was wrong the entire time but it wasn't exactly the worst he had done.

Taehyung is dying.

Jungkook laughs hysterically "HAHAHAHAH " This is hilarious, beyond funny!

Jimin isn't wasting any more time. He took out his phone and quickly dials for the ambulance with a panicked order.

"Good.." Jungkook mutters to himself "Now we'll be together even in the afterworld.."

"What are you—" Before Jimin could finish asking, he was pushed to the side. Fuck, Jungkook is stronger than him how can he easily forgot.

"Tae. Baby. I wanted to give you this as a gift." Jungkook pulls out a box that contains a necklace from his pocket. "I know It will look pretty on you."

Jungkook is still able to smile. This mad fuck smiles like a gentle lover as he puts the necklace around the boy's neck. "See, I knew you'd look pretty."

"Jungkook, you're crazy!" Jimin tries to push him but Jungkook easily over powers him and shoves him away.

Taehyung is barely breathing, his eyes were open but it was so blur to get a grip on anything.

That lip tinted lips Taehyung owns is beautiful. So beautiful that it'll be his.

Jungkook asks for nothing but to kiss the boy. Unlike Jimin he's rough and aggressive, he shows his love like non other and prefers it that way.

"I love you"

That was the final kiss, final words, final contact he made to this world before he flinched the knife to his own chest.

The ambulance was too late to put his all to a stop.

- The end -
- next : Interlude -

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