Normal Day for Non-Normal People

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Sifting through the papers on the small desk, I picked one up. It was a newspaper from last week, a small city near by, it was talking about people missing and reports of people up late and shocked by cannibalism. A simple case of Zombies. I piled all the papers together and placed them in a small wooden box then put it into a cabinet in the room, grabbing a few items from the room and walking to my car outside.

'Okay, zombies... shot to the head, or stakes to the grave.' Looking at the trunk and back seat, I grabbed a shot gun and a machete incase. I tossed them to the passengers' side and hopped into the seat. "Okay, small town here we come," I said as the car turned over and started on the journey to the city.

Pulling the car into a parking lot, I hide the weapons under the seat, and hopped out. I needed to wait till night fall most likely, or until I find it, they're easy to lure towards the car. Stopping to eat and walk around the city some, the sun set at the horizon.

'Finally, let's find this bitch.' I went to the car, grabbing the shotgun, though easy to see and no way to hide it, I stayed away from the eye of people. I walked in the dark allies for a while until commotion was heard by a street.

I quickly loaded the double-barrel, and held it close to my body as I walked towards the noise. I turned my head to the corner, there it is. I bolted out, pushing the man away from the zombie, "run!" I yelled, the man and a few other people ran off, leaving me and the thing in the street. "Come at me, you piece of crap," I laughed, taunting it.
'Not the best idea? Of course not!'

It appeared a male form, but it's arm and side slowly was rotting. The color from its skin fading to white. I pulled back the back barrel, hitting it in the forehead. Slow it down. I aimed for the neck next, shooting the front barrel. The zombie shifted, almost there. I stepped back, quickly opening the gun, glancing up at the zombie reaching a few feet from me.

I ran backwards, it's catching up! It ran close to me, so I shoved the ammo into the gun quickly, snapping it back into place. I lifted it to my shoulder and aimed to it's head again, shooting both barrels at once.

It stopped in it's tracks, falling to the ground slowly. "Hmph," I scoffed. I put the gun into a slot I made on my shoulder sash in-between ammo, and picked the body up, dragging it to an ally to burn it in. 'Who knows who it is, no point in dragging it to the cemetery now.' I lit the cloth of its' shirt with my lighter, leaving it in the corner of the ally way. I ran back to the car, tossing the gun back into the backseat, and I slide the sash off and placed it behind the chair into the pocket with the other ammo boxes. 'God, I make money and have to spend it on this stuff.

Why can't I be like other normal people? Oh right, I'm not normal in that case!' I sighed, grabbing the keys and slide them into the ignition as they jingled. "Off to the next case!" I yelled to myself, hitting the wheel as a beat set in from the music.

'This is a normal day for me, but one hell of a strange day for most.'

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