Little Talks

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:✶: Layla's POV :✶:
Foot steps ran heavy behind me. I twisted under the wolves' unwavering claws, and I kicked at his torso and held its neck. If this thing changed, I'd again be in deep crap. 'If I could only grab my gun or the blade I wouldn't be fighting for my life!' I yelled in my mind, scolding myself to let the tables flip so drastically. The wolf shuddered and whined, picking itself off my to retreat to the darkness like the rest. I quickly turned to where the foot steps came from. I felt blood drip down my legs and arms, aswell as smudged across my body and face.

The sound came from a male. Mostly likely around their 20s to 30s. Shorter side, lightly muscular. They had short hair that looked slightly curled to one side. I could make out their features only by the dime light of the apartment buildings and street lamps. It showed slightly pained, or worried.

I shifted backwards into the ally, my foot skidding across my dropped blade. I took another step backwards to be greeted with my own boot. Which caused me to trip and fall. The figure dived to me, catching only my hands as I fell. "Angel, you must be more careful," the male warned. I hissed and pulled back, standing up and brandished my gun to the moon lit ally. "Who are you," I snapped back at the male, aiming it to their chest. Straight for the heart. He seemed only slightly alarmed. "Layla, I'll do no harm. Please, step out," his voice rang in my head. In my head. I shifted to step into the light, and the male stepped backwards to pull me closer to the street. I still held the gun pointed at them as I was unknowing how he new my name.

He stepped back again, showing his features in the dime lit street lights. "Layla, I'm Cassie." He introduced quickly and reached a hand out. I slowly lowered the gun, sliding it in my belt as I shook his hand. "As you know I'm Layla. Speaking of that, how do you know my name?" I quickly questioned, having high alert. He paused, possibly thinking or recalling. "I just.. know... that's all," he answered shakily. "What ever you want, I don't have time for. Good night." I quickly walked away, to the diner I had stopped at before, as it was connected to a hotel I'd likely stay at until morning.

I could hear Cassie, I believe, follow behind me. The lights flickered fiercely in front of me, and I started to think about the male behind me. He looked and sounded identical to the male in my dreams. I pulled to an ally near the motel, waiting for the mystery man to pass me. As he walked pasted the ally I ran and tackled him to the ground, holding his stomach to the ground. "What the hell are you, and how do you know my name." I growled harshly. He let out a low groan of strain, "I just do, angel. I am nothing other then... human." He slowed his words at the end, unsure. I pressed my elbow into his side aswell as tightening my grip with my legs. "Then why did you call me 'angel' and hesitate to say it." I pressured him.

"Please get off me, Layla," his voice rang in my head again and it sent a unsettling shiver down my spine. I looked down at him, and the lights of the street dimming again. "I asked what you are, and what you want with me!" I yelled in his ear, and he tried to lean up but I shoved him down again, making his head hit the concrete harshly. He let out another groan of pain and turned his head to the side and looked at me. "Layla, please, get off me. I'm here to help. I'm nothing to worry about, I promise." He showed a smile, and I saw his nose drip from me smashing his head to the ground. I got off him and turned away, "I still don't trust you." He sighed and whipped the blood off his face with his jacket sleeve. "You should, but alright." I stormed away from him but kept a quiet step and a ear behind me for his quick paced steps.

I reached the diner and slide into the door, greeting the waitress at the desk, "how many?" I looked backwards slightly at the door, "one." She nodded, and stood up, grabbing a menu. She walked me to a small table near some booths at the back. She started to remove the extra chair, but I waved her off, "leave it, I might get a... friend." I answered quickly and she stood and pushed it back. "May I get a drink?" She asked quickly, I turned to the back of the menu, "know what, just a water." She nodded and walked away. The bell above the door rang and I looked at the figure who entered: it was him. He meet my gaze and walked over to me swiftly and sat in the chair. "The hell. Are you following me? I thought you said 'I'm no harm.'" He nodded, "I am not trying to hurt you, I'm protecting you, angel." I scoffed at his words, "protecting me from what? The big, bad monster under my bed?" I laughed and took a sip of the water placed in front of me. I placed it down and leaned in toward Cassie, "if anything, it's the other way around. Only if you knew." I leaned back and shook my head with my arms crossed. "Layla, I am protecting you. I've seen what your capable of, yes, but I am much more then you see."

I sighed, looking up at the waitress who stood awkwardly near the table, "sorry, but what would you like as a drink, sir?" Cas shook his head slowly, "I don't need one, thank you." Her eyes brows furrowed in confusion, and she glanced at the male seated with me. "Okay... uh, what are you two ordering?" I took in a breath at the word 'two' and I hissed put a quick "we're not together. He's a, uh, friend?" I ran off quickly and ordered a sandwich, he ordered nothing again. I eat my meal when it came out, staring Cassie back with his glare to me. "Could you quit watching me eat, please?" I took a break of eating to push him, "hello, Earth to-" He snapped out of it and looked at my hand placed firmly on his shoulder, I pulled away from him. He nodded in response to my question and looked at the dark window at the lights outside. I finished and payed - with the little money I have - and walked out with Cas in tail. "Why are you 'protecting' me anyways?" I questioned as I walked out. I stopped, ignoring if he had answered, "shit! My car! You jerk, you made me walk all this way when I could've driven! Shit!" I cursed him out, checking my pocket for the keys. "Ugh, I'll get in the morning," I sighed. I walked to the hotel next door, paying it with a card. The desk-man glanced up at me, and Cas, before giving me the cards.

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