Claws, Paws, and Dreams

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Layla ran down a corridor, fire and entities following her down it. She stopped at the end of the corridor, a figure between her and the end of the tunnel. The figure shifted, showing himself in the light of her flashlight. He stood still, his brown hair blowing with the howling wind. Layla motioned for him to move, so he did. He moved to the side of the wall as she ran past, and he tagged along. "Layla, what is this?" He asked. She looked towards him while they ran, turning a left at the end of the corridor.

The street where they turned was blocked, filled. With other monsters and beings waiting. Layla glanced around the area, feeling realization set in. There was no way out. She walked towards the middle of the trapped circle, the male following. The monsters closed in, walking closer to them, and closer. A few feet, with outstretched arms and limbs. "Layla, be careful," the male spoke.

Layla's eyes shot open, looking around the room. Her breathing calmed down from the panting, and she layed back down onto the pillow. 'What the hell was that?' she asked herself, 'Who was he, and how did he know me?' She sighed, looking to her side. 4:47 AM. 'It was just a dream. Get some more sleep before today, early leave.' She reassured herself. She shut her eyes again and slept.

She searched the drawers, picking out a AC/DC shirt and some shorts. She quickly got changed and walked out of the room, slipping into socks aswell. The sun shines through the window curtain, and blazed the kitchen table and chairs. 'What's next...' She asked, walking to the kitchen and turning on the coffee maker. She let it brew while she walked to the door, she stepped outside and looked around the hotel room. She twisted around to get the newspapers before heading in.

"Silver," a voice spoke in her head. Layla spun around, looking for the source. "Who's there?" She yelled, walking backwards to her room to find the gun. "Get out of here!" She yelled, grabbing it and lookin around. She stood quiet, and she laid the gun back down. 'What the hell! That sounded like the guy from my dreams, too' she recalled.

She opened the newspaper she dropped from before and started reading. "People found killed, hearts missing and mutilated," she read the title of a section, she ripped the article from the paper, and took it to the desk. She opened the small wooden box again, "werewolves." Layla skimmed the notes and photos in the box, grabbing a clipped packet. She read the packet and put it back, sliding the box back into the cabinet.

Layla walked to the car, opening the trunk and looking around it. "Silver... bullets or blade." She looked towards a small dagger, and grabbed it, aswell as a gun louder with silver. She put the dagger in her side pocket and she slide the gun into her belt. She left for the hunt, a state away.

By the time she eat, got gas, and found a place to park, it was already 17:09. (5pm) She looked towards the sky, the sun was to West and a quarter of the way from setting. A few hours at most. Layla pulled her jacket over her pants, hiding the gun and dagger better. 'Mine aswell get dinner before I'm wolf food.' She thought, seeing a diner past the street.

She payed the tab and walked out, sipping on the water she got to-go. 'Full moon tonight? Should be fine. Full-blood or not,' she wondered the streets, towards the last murder street. 'Teeth, claws... anything abnormal.' She repeated.

"Careful," the voice spoke again. Layla shifted uncomfortably, 'where the hell are you, and what?' She asked, but earned no response. She ignored it and walked down the streets more. "Werewolf, oh, werewolf... where could you be," she whispered. Layla slipped her necklace under her shirt and jacket, walking around the side walk. She stopped in a dark spot, mimicking a howl.

She stood there quiet for a moment, waiting to see if there would be any reaction. She sighed, continuing to wonder. Until she was greeted by growling. The yellow eyes glowed in the ally.

Layla shifted backwards, grabbing the dagger from her pocket. The grey wolf in front had stains of dripping blood on its muzzle and paws, there were at least two other grey wolves then a black wolf. The black wolf had blue eyes instead of the normal yellow. Layla crossed her arm, having the blade side to the wolves. 'Shit, totally not ready for this.'

The back wolf moved to stand next to the front grey one, and Layla scanned the wolves. The grey wolf let out a low growl, shifting slowly to a human-like form. The black wolf followed, leaving her, the two human wolves and the two wolves. They looked human except had ears and a tail with their wolf eyes, claws and teeth. The wolves tightened there stance around the human wolves, and snarled and barked at me with glowing eyes. There were people who ran past after seeing them, and others squeal. A few stopped and watched. She waited, the black one walked forwards to her. It growled at Layla, it's eyes glowing bright against the pitch black of night. 'Shit, shit, shit.' She cursed to herself, and she held the dagger handle tightly. Layla stepped back slightly, the wolf getting to close for comfort. The black wolf took another step to Layla before she snapped. She threw herself and the blade at the wolves, she jammed the blade into the wolves shoulder. She turned and quickly tried to kick the grey human-wolf off her, but it grabbed hold of her ankle.

Layla let out a yell, and she pulled the dagger back from the black wolf. She swung the blade at the wolf holding her ankle, slicing its clawed hand. The blade cut into the wolves' hand and nicked her own leg. The two other grey wolves charged after her, and Layla pulled back out of the ally. She dropped the blade and pulled out the gun, she quickly shot he human-wolfs before they ran. She then shot at the left grey wolf, but it twisted and turned away from the bullet. The wolf to her right jumped and bite at her foot, tugging her boot off her leg. She shot at the wolf at her foot, and it pierced the shoulder of the wolf. The wolf whined and backed off, going quiet and falling into the darkness. The last wolf jumped and pounced on Layla as she looked at the dark ally. She yelled and pushed at the wolves chest to throw it off, she tried to spin and get on top of the wolf. The wolf snarled and scratched her fore-arm heavily. Layla let out a howl of pain as the cuts started to emit the red liquid. She kicked at the wolf and pushed the wolves neck, keeping out of range of its jaw. Layla tightened her grip on its neck as it squirmed around.

Foot steps ran full speed to the ally.

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