Hearty Beef Jerky and Vegetable Stew

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"You can't be serious. What the hell is wrong with this place? It's ginormous!"

Dean complains out loud as he walks all over, with a piece of jerky dangling out of his mouth, holding a guide.

Cuthbert Sinclair Dormitory. Why the hell have I yet to find the damn place? It's already friggin sunset!

But more than that, Ugh. I'm tired. I'm freezing. And this jerky's doing nothing for my appetite.

Dean's barely able to stay upright as he keeps wandering aimlessly, part of the guide blowing out of his hand as he looks at all the buildings.

Bunch of pompous buildings for all the pompous asses. What the hell do they need so many for? School's most definitely rolling in dough. Impressive facilities, if nothing else. Maybe my dorm will be too!

The thought does cheer his spirits some, as he says out loud, "Can't wait to sleep in style."

But then he reaches what he assumes is it, and he realizes he was dead wrong.

He sees a sign proclaiming, "Cuthbert Sinclair Dormitory", but other than that, the place looks like it's been abandoned for years.

"So much for living in style."

Dean walks through the front door, calling out, "Hello?", but there's no answer. The inside looks just as deserted as it does on the outside.

But then, something else catches his attention, "What the…? Where the hell is that smoke coming from? Is something on fire?!"

Then there's a loud bang, literally causing the ground underneath him to shake, "Now there's an earthquake? Are you kidding?"

Then a small stampede of animals run past him, with a cute blonde girl running after them, shouting,

"Hey, come back here!"

Somewhere, on what Dean assumes is an intercom, he hears an older woman's voice, "Room 116, you can't bring your wild animals into the dorms! If I have to tell you again, there will be consequences!"

As the blonde girl disappears, she calls behind her, "Sorry!", then she's gone.

Then the woman's voice returns, "Room 208, did you use an empty room as a smoker again?! How about I smoke you out instead? I think that's fair."

Somewhere unseen, the culprit says on her intercom, "Yeah yeah. Sorry."

But the woman's not done yet, "And 205! If I find your room trashed again I'll promptly have you thrown out! This place has standards!"

Room 205's tennant replies hastily, "I know! I'm sorry. But it's not my fault these two bozos won't duke it out somewhat else!"

But before Dean can think about any of it, the older woman's voice is suddenly behind him, asking, "You're Dean Winchester, the new transfer looking to reside here?"

Dean turns, and sees an older brunette woman, who looks like she means business as she informs him,

"I'm the dorm mother for this place. Jody. Or Miss Mills."

Dean's mind is reeling, I'm surrounded by whackjobs again!

Then Jody asks, "So what ingredients do you have for your dish?"

Dean has no idea what she's talking about, "Huh? What ingredients?"

Jody's face is incredulous as he informs him, "For the dorm's entrance exam. What else? '1. If you wish to board at Cuthbert Sinclair, you have to cook a dish. You'll only be accepted if the dish meets my standards of cooking. 2. Judging of the dish is done by the dorm supervisor. And finally 3. All applicants can bring any ingredients they want."

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