Training Camp Day 1: Introductions

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"'Overnight training'?" Dean asks as he looks at the brochure, while everyone else stands around the room talking.

Jo isn't fazed at all, "So it's finally time."

Dean grabs the brochure as he asks, "What is it?"

Claire pipes up, "We have them every year. Basically it's an overnight thing where you stay off campus for a few days."

Dean nods as he takes that in, "Okay, so basically it's kind of a camping thing?"

Then he sees the terrified look on Charlie's face, "What's the matter with you, Charlie?"

Kevin has the answer, "She knows all about this training camp. It's like it was made by the king of hell himself. And all of us have to go through it to survive."

Jo takes it from there, "All the first years are sent off campus and are put through the wringer with all these brutal challenges. If you fail even just one, you're expelled! It's supposed to be all about bonding, but honestly, it's all about seeing who cracks under the pressure."

Charlie's still frozen in fear, whole Garth tries to downplay it, "It's really not that bad. It's just a way to learn by competing with your classmates. To quote our dear Director, this is when you really get to show what you're made of."

Which reminds Ed, "Wait a minute. You did it last year, didn't you? How'd you get through it."

Garth confesses, "Extremely diligently. Even back when it was a lot more lax, students were expelled, even forced off of campus."

Meg goes next, "A few years ago, the toll was around more than half of the entire student population."

Dean keeps reading, "Okay, so we can bring a deck of cards or even a board game. But no cellphones?" He gets more pissed when he sees the down time, "This is nowhere near enough time for a shower!"

Jo snaps at him, "How the hell are you so worried about showering at a time like this? Did you forget about Charlie's freakout?!"

Dean just says, "Half of us will make it, right? Then that'll just have to be us."

The way Dean says that has both Jo and Claire stunned, while Garth says,

"I have faith in all of you. There's no doubt all of you at Cuthbert Sinclair will come back with a smile on their faces."

That was apparently the right thing to say, because everyone immediately starts getting pumped.

Meanwhile, Jack is looking over the brochure himself as Kaia finishes running him through the itinerary,

"And that's the gist of it. You're scheduled to leave in 3 days. Students will get together at 6AM."

Jack replies, "I understand. That's all for now, Kaia."

The next three days consist of waking up early, going to classes, and packing up anything they want to take with them for their dishes.

The morning of the first day of training camp, long white buses pull up, and all the students quickly climb onboard. Once the last student has found a seat, the buses pull out of the parking lot and drive towards their destination.

When they finally get there, one look at where they're staying has them all in awe.

When they finally get there, one look at where they're staying has them all in awe

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