Welcome to Cuthbert Sinclair

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Charlie sets the shower on the highest setting in the co ed shower room, ready to just put the whole day behind her, and sighs under the warm steam.

Tasting all those "dishes" from that new kid has completely worn me out. What a dick! Treating me like a non paid intern at a major corporation!

Then she leans back into the spray, to get her hair wet as she says to herself out loud, "Yeah, that Dean was something else alright."

Meanwhile, Dean's being told by Jodi, "Dean Winchester, with this dish, you've been accepted into the Cuthbert Sinclair Dormitory. Congratulations."

Dean smiles as he takes his bandana off, saying politely, "Thank you, ma'am."

Jodi hands him a key, "You're in room 124. Don't lose your key."

Excited, Dean grabs it and immediately runs off to go find his room, while Jodi stays put to muse, Pulling off that dish with such limited ingredients, we just might have someone very interesting joining the gang. Dean Winchester, huh?

Back in the shower room, Charlie's now saying to herself, "Since getting here, this hot shower is my only friend. Sure, Jodi can be a bit much, but at least our teachers aren't super strict. And Dean's not here either!"

Outside, Charlie hears someone say, "I think I'll start with a hot shower!"

Charlie turns her head, curious, "Huh?"

Then the door opens, and holy hell, it's Dean Winchester in his birthday suit, looking at her in HER birthday suit.

Immediately, Charlie covers her chest self-consciously, but when Dean doesn't move, she lets out a scream that can be heard throughout the dorm.

Jodi, cleaning up the mess in the kitchen, looks up and smiles, "Looks like he's already making friends. Good for him. Now he just needs the shower schedule."

Later, after Dean's had his own shower, he's getting dressed to head to sleep.

"Man, that shower was the bomb."

He looks around his room, and thinks, I just realized this is the first time I've been away from my dad in 18 years.

The thought makes him remember all the times when he was serving a customer from the food truck, while his dad was always manning the cooking.

Then, he realizes something else, "It's eerily quiet in here."

But before he can think too hard on it, a board in the ceiling opens up and a squirrely guy's face shoes up, "Welcome, New Kid!"

Dean's immediate startled, "Who the hell are you and how the hell are you living in my ceiling?"

The guys just says, "Follow me. We're throwing a welcome party."

"What part of 'I'm studying for an important test do you guys not understand?!' If you're gonna party, do it somewhere else!" the Asian kid, who's name is Kevin, yells. "Why do you insist on always coming in here anyway?"

The blonde girl sitting on the bed, named Jo, says, "Well what else are we gonna do? You're the only one here with a room this big!"

Kevin, upon noticing Jo, moves to her, "Get off my bed!"

Another blonde girl, this time named Claire, adds, "And let's not forget it's also the cleanest!"

Kevin snaps, "That's because I just finished cleaning it up!"

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