Training Camp Day 2: Vegetable Throwdown: Italian Style Ratatouille

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Once Charlie sets it down, the judges are all in awe.


“Look at it.”

But it’s Dorothy who’s the first to recognize it, “Ratatouille!”

But it’s Dorothy who’s the first to recognize it, “Ratatouille!”

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Charlie takes that as her cue to describe her dish. “I have made you all an Italian style ratatouille.”

Hitoshi is the first to reply, “How interesting. You did an Italian spin on a French dish.”

Ava quickly catches on, “I just remembered. The challenge in Balthazar’s class was a confit byaldi, which is a close relative to ratatouille, is it not?”

Balthazar’s not impressed, “Would you look at that. You copied my confit byaldi. Why would you hang yourself on this particular dish?”

That makes Charlie panic, already stammering excuses, “No, no! I wasn’t trying to copy it at all! I just wanted to show them my own take on confit byaldi! That’s all I was doing, I swear!”

Styne wastes no time, “Well then, let’s see what this little princess made for us.”

Just like before, Charlie watches every agonizing second as Styne picks up a spoon to take a serving, and the rest follow suit, lifting their bites to their mouths.

In her mind’s eye, all she can see is all the close calls or failing grades, the jeering looks.

“Why is she still here?”

“She’s giving Kendrick’s a bad name!”

“She’s always dead last!”

“Go home, Charlie Sue!”

“You don’t have what it takes!”

“Charlie Bradbury, you have been expelled.”

“Dean Winchester, if you lose, both you and Charlie will be sent home.”

Thankfully, she doesn;t have long to wait before all the judges are simultaneously responding.

Styne, “It’s delicious!”

Hitoshi, “It is indeed.”

Jenna, “Incredible!”

Dorothy, who’s vote doesn’t count anyway, can’t help but hum her praises.

Charlie’s so stunned, she almost misses Hitoshi’s description of her own dish,

“Eggplant, potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini, red peppers were all cooked in the skillet to create this dish, all made to bring out the best in each individual vegetable.”

Hitoshi looks right at her as he finishes, “You did well pulling so much of that off given your time limit.”

Styne’s the first to point out, “You used two different leaves in the herb paste! One’s basil, and the other oregano, both cooked with garlic and red pepper flakes to give it a nice kick. Wonderful. Having us eat this ratatouille with basil and oregano is a very impressive move.”

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