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Yo watched the video carefully, trying to memorize the moves the other Moons and Stars were performing. Ming had given him the ipad as soon as Yo had climbed into the car - Pha's car, that is - and told him to learn the moves. He'd somehow gotten a video of the group practicing the dance. So, with Pha chauffeuring them, Ming and Yo were on their way to the mall for the belated shopping trip. The worry about what Pha would think about Yo when they shopped for glasses niggled at him in the back of his mind.

"Hey, Yo," Ming's head was between the two front seats. Yo twisted slightly to face him as he whispered. "What color frames were you thinking of getting?"

Yo shrugged. "First I'm gonna look for something that doesn't make me look like a bug. Then I'll worry about the color."

"You should get gold wire frames. Those would look cool."

"The last time I went glasses shopping, the only gold wire frames were circular."

"And how long ago was that?" Ming smirked.

Yo glowered. "Beginning of high school." Smartass.

Ming nodded, already knowing the answer. "So-"

"What are you two whispering about??"

Yo and Ming blinked. They'd been whispering so Pha wouldn't overhear about the glasses. But Yo couldn't figure out how they'd tactfully ditch the guy, especially after he was driving them to the mall, and get Yo's eyes checked and new glasses bought with Pha none the wiser!

Maybe he won't say anything? Yo could only hope. "We were just talking about what we're looking for, P'Pha."

Pha glanced over at them as he pulled the car into the mall parking lot. "What brand do you use right now?"

Yo was confused for a moment until he remembered the original reason for the shopping trip - a new phone. "Oh, I have a plan with Sprint. What about you?"

"Same," Pha answered, parking the car and turning it off. He looked at Yo expectantly. "And after that you're getting your eyes checked, right?"

Dammit, he already knows. Yo nodded, keeping his reluctance out of his expression. "Yes. It might take a while, so you can go do whatever you want to until it's done, P'Pha."

"Nah, that's okay," Pha smiled.

Yo eyed him warily. The smile filled him with foreboding.

"I don't mind waiting. Besides, I like seeing what crazy frames they keep coming up with each year."

"You should see some of the frames my mom has gotten over the years," Ming piped up, laughing. "Cats eye frames, Harry Potter frames-"

Yo shot him a murderous glare, which Ming totally ignored.

"-and even glasses that look like something from a sci-fi movie. I wonder about her taste sometimes."

"Sci-fi frames??" Pha was surprised. "Seriously?"

"They were custom made after she watched Star Wars, Star Trek, stuff like that," Ming explained.

Yo rolled his eyes, unbuckling his belt and hopping out of the car. He ignored the other two chatting about the different frames Ming's mom had gotten, and relished the feeling of finally walking on his own. For a week after getting out of the hospital, he'd been forced to use a wheelchair. That meant being carried up and down the stairs since his dorm house had no elevator, which was super inconvenient. And who else would be the one to carry him to and from his room but Pha? Ming had never even tried.

P'Pha's Glasses KinkUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum